🎉 Indigenous festivities in Dudinka celebrate local language and tradition The Far Northern town of Dudinka played host to Kergen Uota, an indigenous encampment created as part of the UNESCO Indigenous Languages Decade, which runs from 2022 to 2032. The name of the camp means ‘family hearth’, and the site provided a temporary venue where indigenous peoples of the north celebrated their culture and members of the public were able to learn more about their traditions. Despite the cold conditions, locals danced and sang along to a performance from the Kheiro ensemble. They also had the opportunity to venture into the traditional tents and sample regional cuisines and drink tea on the embankment, in the heart of Dudinka. The UN General Assembly announced the Indigenous Languages Decade in an attempt to draw greater public attention to the plight of the world’s threatened indigenous languages. Cultural initiatives such as these can support the preservation of these languages and even spark a revival in people using them in their daily lives. Nornickel is a proud supporter of these efforts. Read more about the Decade on the UNESCO website, and take a look at our photo gallery to catch up with the celebrations. #community #culture #inspiration