THIS Thursday, January 16th, looks to be a beautifully clear day for #NECAPowerMkts25! Join us on the 17th floor of Boston University's Center for Computing and Data Sciences for spectacular panoramic views of the city from the largest sustainable, operational fossil fuel-free building in Boston: You'll learn from experts on the following topics: ➡️Morning Keynote: Placing the Customer at the Core of the Energy Transition ➡️Panel I: How Can Markets Drive the Rapid Resource Development We Need for 2050? ➡️Luncheon Keynote: The History of U.S. Energy Transitions: Are There Lessons for Decarbonization? ➡️Panel II: 31 Flavors of Capacity Accreditation Reform: How Northeast Capacity Markets are Adapting to the Changing System Conditions and Resource Mix ➡️Panel III: Managing Increased Variability and Load Growth: Creating Market Signals for Flexible, Responsive Resources With David Fixler, Nicholas Hutchings, MBA, Julia Frayer and Shaela Collins. #NECA40yrs