This is *why* we must stand up to this industry and raise awareness.
As we wrote in the recent #OpenLetter (Link below), the marketing for #TroubledTeenIndustry programs, like many #wildernesstherapy programs in the United States, will tell you about their accreditation, level of qualification and training of staff, staff to student ratios, diet and exercise plans, stock #grouptherapy photos, program outcomes, and the empirically-support therapies informing their practice.
Given the increased awareness about this industry from Netflix's #TheProgram, it is expected many programs concerned about being lumped in with America's trouble teen industry (aka bad press) are detailing why they aren't what they are and/or closing and rebranding. This is marketing post of a program describing how their program is not a troubled teen industry program.
#BreakingCodeSilence, the "nonprofit that represents #children, #youth, and adults who are/were incarcerated in the U.S. troubled teen industry (TTI)" provides quite a different overview of this program here:
For example, "Many survivors have reported that Newport Academy programs are abusive. Allegations of #abuse and #neglect that have been reported by survivors of the programs include verbal/emotional abuse, medical neglect, undertrained/unqualified staff members, psychological #torture, communication resitrictions, lack of supervision leading to dangerous encounters between residents, and isolation tactics. Many survivors report that they have developed #PTSD as a result of their time at Newport Academy."
The most common concerning feedback I have heard regarding our Open Letter has been whether generalising these wilderness therapy practices as abusive will do a disservice to people doing safe, dignified, and effective work, and the aligned modalities, such as nature-based, outdoor, and adventure therapies.
I think of it the other way around. They are lumping themselves in with us...and we fell for it. No thanks. The troubled teen industry programs don't get to write the rules and distort language to show how they aren't the troubled teen industry.
Before the end of the Open Letter, you will find 52 news articles using the word "wilderness therapy" published since January 1, 2024 - I have updated the list today. Only one...the New York Times article about therapists ditching the couch and one other is positive.
Parents looking for safe troubled teen industry programs, click here:
Read, Share, & Sign Our Open Letter:
To sign the letter, click here:
10 Ways to Tell the Difference Between ‘Troubled Teen’ Programs and High-Quality Care, an article recently published by NABH member Newport Healthcare, helps families and professionals identify quality treatment programs. Read more:
10 Ways to Tell the Difference Between ‘Troubled Teen’ Programs and High-Quality Care
Senior Technical Advisor, Nossal Institute for Global Health
2wCongrats Xiaoying!