Novocarbo’s Post

One of the main advantages of Biochar Carbon Removal is its holistic business case: players in the #BCR industry, like Novocarbo, are now building entire #circular economies, allowing them to offer individual products to divers customers. ♻️ The economic cycle begins with the recycling of biomass, which would normally be incinerated as waste or left to rot, into biochar. This allows us to provide a #WasteManagement solution for, for example, the food industry, which would otherwise need to dispose shells or fruit pits. The #biochar produced can be added to soils, where it retains water, stores nutrients, and favors humus formation, or to building materials such as concrete and asphalt. 🔥 The biochar production releases #RegenerativeHeat that can be used as warm water, hot water, or process steam for own industrial activities or supplied to nearby industries or municipal utilities. 📃 Finally, we can generate #CarbonCredits from the long-term application of biochar and thus the sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere. This additional income helps us scale up faster and subsidize our products, making it possible to bring biochar to as many customers and carbon sinks as possible. 👉 As a result, customers can select the appropriate product(s) from the portfolio of biochar producers: Waste-Management-as-a-Service, Heat-as-a-Service, Biochar, and Carbon Credits.

Dr. Mar Fernández-Méndez

Marine Researcher, Ocean Lover and Climate Optimist working on solutions to mitigate climate change sequestering carbon in the ocean through nature-based solutions. #algae #seaweed #oceancdr


"This additional income helps us scale up faster and subsidize our products" How do you deal with financial additionally when certifying your carbon credits?

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