Leading Australian nuclear experts Dr Adi Paterson and Mark Schneider have slammed Labor's new nuclear scare campaign. Dr Paterson, the former CEO of ANSTO reiterated that Australians already live with low levels of radiation and pointed out the lifesaving impact of nuclear medicines in treating cancer. Mark Schneider who has operated 8 nuclear reactors described the new campaign as "dangerous" and "unhinged" emphasising his low radiation dose despite his 23 years working in nuclear. Read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/dJT6czpd
Permanent storage of high-level radioactive produced from Nuclear PP's and Nuclear submarines is still a global problem that has not been solved. Throughout the history of Nuclear, 77,000 tonnes of high-level radioactive waste was dumped in the ocean, mainly in 64 gallon steel drums, until this practice was finally banned in 1998. There are over 400,000 tonnes of high-level radioactive Nuclear waste being stored in temporary containment globally. Two of the most highly radioactive places in the world are Hanford Washington DC USA where millions of gallons of radioactive liquid waste has been leaking with victims being paid over AUD$2.4bn in compensation + medical bills (figure from 7 years ago) and the Siberian Chemical Combine in Russia.
This campaign exposes the misinformation, lies and desperation of Labor.
The one thing Labor doesn’t talk about is the fact their energy policy cannot support our industrial sector and to say we don’t manufacture things in Australia is rubbish and the other sector that uses a lot of power is the pumping of water all around Australia. You only have to look at the size of EMC cables and the mains cables and the drives and motors needed in the thousands of pump stations around Australia and that’s why using pumped hydro as a storage is braindead And it’s interesting what’s happening at Tomago but that’s a 950MW site.
Will they trace this ad back as being being the inflection point that loses Labor the election? How can they not realise they lose so much credibility with crap like this. And then their other messages fail to land on other policies because people just don't believe a word they say.
Congrats Adrian (Adi) Paterson and Mark Schneider
I would like to know if we had the go head, who would build it. Who ever does it will need to have experience, engineered off a working sister plant, with an excellent completion and quality team with the ability to stop construction if there is any non- conforming to site standards and regulations.
The interesting thing is, the so-called medico in this video is a vehement anti-nuclear protagonist and has the same credibility as Helen Caldicott. Here is the text of another post regarding her, it has come from a medico professor who I won't name as I don't have permission to use it. He can identify himself if he wishes to. "Margaret Beavis has been an anti-nuclear fanatic representing the lunatic fringe for many years. She hides behind her medical degree as some sort of credential but has no understanding of nuclear. Her anti-nuclear fear mongering has been repeatedly debunked and she never lets the truth get in the road of a good headline. The journal article (research) she refers to has a number of flaws and limitations that pouts it at odds with other medical literature including research they include in their research, and has been sadly misinterpreted or deliberately misrepresented in other areas."
The Pacific Ocean is calculated to contain the following. (1) 200 billion curies of natural potassium: (2) 19 billion curies of Rubedium-87: (3) 600 million curies of dissolved Uranium: (4) 80 million curies of C14 and (5) 10 million curies of Tritium. (The last 2 are due to cosmic rays). Thus, disposing of the active water gradually from ALPS is not unsafe as the discharge is below regulatory levels. The fear of nuclear causes more damage than Radiation. The radioactivity discharged from nuclear power plants, globally, adds a very small fraction to the natural background which mankind cannot escape. In fact, some big Fossil plants emit more radiation. I got more radiation dose in my working life of 42 years than the Fukushima staff and I am having a wholesome life, even playing tennis. Public need rational explanation with good PA outreach. G.R.Srinivasan
What the politicians need to do is to objectively look at Canada which is well advanced into the peaceful uses of atomic energy, since the 50s. Nuclear will be the best for the base load with others such as solar or wind to follow. At the minimum the ban on building nuclear facilities should be lifted. ANSTO is an example of the successful utilization of nuclear energy, however small.
B1, B2 & C Line Maintenance Engineer at Qantaslink
3wSmart people support nuclear 👍