Shared about aerodynamics and the aerodynamicist jobscope to one of the participants in the workshop I attended yesterday because they barely heard of it before. For example, for any vehicle, you could have a powerful and efficient engine and transmission, or for an E.V a good motor and high energy density battery pack with a decent cooling system, but if your exterior body is shaped like a brick or blunt/bluff body, you'll waste energy just to overcome that drag. Source: Fluid-Dynamic Drag by Sighard Hoerner #fluiddynamics #engineeringdesign #aerospaceengineering #designengineer #3dmodelling #cadmodelling #uav #drone #electricvehicle #internalcombustion
Do include the aft-body. As that significantly reduces drag. So a good fore and aft body combination is necessary.
Professor de ensino superior na Fundação Municipal de Ensino de Piracicaba - FUMEP. Consultor nas áreas de Projeto Mecânico e Método dos Elementos Finitos.
8moBasic. And usefull.