Victoria's plan to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 by 2027, and similar discussions in New Zealand, highlight the importance of empathy in shaping our laws.
I know and have seen how empathy can positively impact a child's development. When parents and the state (what?!!!) respond to their children's mistakes with understanding, they create a safe space for growth. This approach can also be applied to our legal systems I think.
In New Zealand, an estimated one in twenty children are known to Police for offending before reaching 14 years of age. Boys are twice as likely as girls to offend, and Māori children are approximately three times more likely than non-Māori children to become known to Police as offenders by age 14. These statistics underscore the need for a supportive, rather than punitive, approach to youth crime.
Why 2027? Why Not Now?
Dunno. maybe the gradual approach to raising the age of criminal responsibility to 14 by 2027 in Victoria is designed to allow time for the necessary infrastructure and support systems to be put in place? This includes training for law enforcement, development of alternative rehabilitation programs, and ensuring that social services are adequately prepared to handle the increased demand. Immediate implementation could overwhelm existing systems and fail to provide the necessary support for affected children?
Why Not Older?
Research supports raising the age of criminal responsibility to at least 14, as recommended by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. This is based on evidence that children's brains are still developing, and they do not fully understand the consequences of their actions. Duh. Some experts argue for an even higher age, such as 15 or 16, to align with the developmental science that shows significant cognitive and emotional growth continues into late adolescence. However, raising the age to 14 is seen as a balanced approach that aligns with international standards while being feasible for implementation. Hmmm.
Raising the age of criminal responsibility acknowledges that children need support, not punishment. This empathetic stance can help guide them towards a better future I reckon. What do you think?
#Empathy #ChildDevelopment #Legislation #Parenting #YouthWelfare
Indigenous and legal groups condemn Victoria’s backflip on raising the age