Too many companies give promotions to Graph 1 people. Credit to: Liz Willits ____________ Discover the best Office Productivity Hacks right here. Follow for the tips and tricks you need.
Lead with kindness, but never lose sight of goals.
True success isn’t just about achievements. It's about the impact you leave on people along the way.
I have been the top performer at multiple companies, the time wasted in graph one is time that could spend perfecting your skill set. Be graph 2, not everyone will like you, but treat their venom with kindness and get the important stuff done.
It's all about balancing kindness with results.
Kindness and results are an underrated but unbeatable combo.
Leader || Mentor || Strategist || Sr. Director, Ops
3moThe second one has always been my go to. Do your work: do it well. Be professional: no drama, no gossip, build strong relationships.