Which of these nudges stood out to you?
(...mine is the 6th one) Impactful nudges catch my eye 🎯
1. Voting Ashtrays, London: Transforming street litter into a participatory poll. Smokers vote with their butts!
2. 3D Illusions, Canada: Painted child on the street slows down traffic to safeguard real lives.
3. Piano Stairs, Stockholm: Making music with every step encourages commuters to choose stairs over escalators.
4. Running Track Stairs, Hamburg: Commuters race to their trains on stairs designed as athletic tracks.
5. Basketball Bins: Throw your trash and score points. Turning public cleanliness into a sport.
6. Confrontational Signs: Bold messages challenge our habits and provoke thought.
7. Graphic Lanes, UVU: Stairs marked for walking, running, texting, organizing foot traffic creatively.
Curious to hear which one you like the most. Do you think they're effective in altering behavior?