Very important last sentence at the end of the Torino Declaration of 1994, on the Preservation of the Art Nouveau Architecture: "When restoring Art Nouveau Architecture one should be more open removing later additions and reconstructing the original appearance than for other monuments, in order to secure the original artistic value."
Olga Harmsen’s Post
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Recently the book ' Adaptive Reuse. Theoretical Glossary and Design Lab' has been published (in collaboration with the University of Pisa) which, on the one hand, explores a theoretical basis, on the other hand, presents designs for creative redesign of historic, neglected (and dead?) buildings in order to give them a renewed life - including a book chapter by me exploring the notion of 'duality' as a theoretical basis for redesigning historic buildings for adaptive reuse. Proud to have my ideas about the topic written down here in this book that "delves into the intricate interplay between architecture, historical heritage, and the evolving practice of adaptive reuse, presenting it as a generational responsibility for our civilization. It frames the reuse of ruins not merely as a theoretical challenge but as a civic duty, particularly in a time that calls for the preservation of historical heritage." Highly recommended read for architects, students, restorers and monument conservation experts #architecture #adaptivereuse #conservation #restoration #duality #builtheritage #publication
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Part II | The Possibilities of Historical Reinterpretation Part II, encompassing various explorations of issues related to the renovation and restoration, reinterpretation and reconstruction of historic architecture, and through such diverse design research and theoretical depictions, provides examples concerning urban and spatial potentials as well as humanistic and historical reinterpretation possibilities within the realm of contemporary architectural design, aiming to enrich its methodology and vocabulary, ultimately leading to more profound and diversified practices. In this part, the focuses range from central historic urban blocks to contemporary historical urban districts in Guangzhou, and even broader indigenous areas in China, covering examples from the renovation of specific conserved architectural entities, the evolution of historical urban neighborhoods, to the reinterpretation of abstract principles from Chinese traditional architecture, and the further introduction of propositions for the revitalization of representative post-industrial areas in the United States. ART-CHITECTURE The Extensible Spatial Metaphor EYECANDIES @eyecandiescn × Kui Yuan Gallery @kuiyuangallery , Shanghai, China 16 Dec 2023 - 14 Jan 2024 #JXYStudio #culture #art #architecture #exhibition
JXY Studio on Instagram: "Part II | The Possibilities of Historical Reinterpretation Part II, encompassing various explorations of issues related to the renovation and restoration, reinterpretation and reconstruction of historic architecture, and through such diverse design research and theoretical depictions, provides examples concerning urban and spatial potentials as well as humanistic and hist
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CLASSICAL ORDERS OF ARCHITECTURE The classical orders of architecture refer to the styles of columns and entablatures used in ancient Greek and Roman architecture...
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Part II | The Possibilities of Historical Reinterpretation Part II, encompassing various explorations of issues related to the renovation and restoration, reinterpretation and reconstruction of historic architecture, and through such diverse design research and theoretical depictions, provides examples concerning urban and spatial potentials as well as humanistic and historical reinterpretation possibilities within the realm of contemporary architectural design, aiming to enrich its methodology and vocabulary, ultimately leading to more profound and diversified practices. In this part, the focuses range from central historic urban blocks to contemporary historical urban districts in Guangzhou, and even broader indigenous areas in China, covering examples from the renovation of specific conserved architectural entities, the evolution of historical urban neighborhoods, to the reinterpretation of abstract principles from Chinese traditional architecture, and the further introduction of propositions for the revitalization of representative post-industrial areas in the United States. ART-CHITECTURE The Extensible Spatial Metaphor EYECANDIES @eyecandiescn × Kui Yuan Gallery @kuiyuangallery , Shanghai, China 16 Dec 2023 - 14 Jan 2024 #JXYStudio #culture #art #architecture #exhibition
JXY Studio on Instagram: "Part II | The Possibilities of Historical Reinterpretation Part II, encompassing various explorations of issues related to the renovation and restoration, reinterpretation and reconstruction of historic architecture, and through such diverse design research and theoretical depictions, provides examples concerning urban and spatial potentials as well as humanistic and hist
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Discover the beauty and importance of historic architecture with our Architectural Preservation Glossary. Whether you're a preservation enthusiast or simply curious about the terminology, this guide is a great starting point to deepen your appreciation for the art, history, and influence of older buildings. Explore the language of preservation today! Download here: #historicpreservation #architecturalpreservation
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722 ILLUSION MAKING in ART and ARCHITECTURE -Gautam Shah The techniques of creating the illusion and dynamism, relies primarily on movement and changes in the source of illumination, and secondarily on brilliance, glitter and contrast of the colours. But with age, sometime post 13-14 C, the representation of the form and its scaling emerged as the main tool. Art began to take into consideration, the presence of spatial or architectural elements in the vicinity, situational illumination, point of observation and differentiation of objects in light-shade.
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🤔 Do you know about this African / Black architect who made award winning architecture from clay? His name is Diebedo Francis Kere. Check out the facts in this Insta. Credit (Tiktok): SuccessIsUs #happeningnow #historyinthemaking #Africanfact #Blackfact #Worldfacts #themoreyouknow
Nikkia Tia Carter on Instagram: "🤔 Do you know about this #African / #Blackarchitect who made #awardwinning #architecture from clay? His name is #DiebedoFrancisKere. Check out the #facts in this #Insta. Credit (#Tiktok): @Success Is Us #happeningnow #historyinthemaking #Africanfact #Blackfact #Worldfacts #themoreyouknow"
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Italian architect, historian, and restorer Gustavo Giovannoni was a key figure in the fields of architecture, #urbanism, and #conservation during the first half of the 20th century. His writings represent a significant step toward the full appreciation of the historic city, and his insights are directly relevant today to the protection of historic resources in urban contexts worldwide. Recently published, “New Building in Old Cities”, edited by Edited by Steven Semes, Francesco Siravo, and Jeff Cody is an abundantly illustrated critical anthology featuring many of Giovannoni's seminal texts related to the appreciation, understanding, and planning of historic cities. The readings are grouped thematically around key concepts in Giovannoni’s conservation theory—urban building, respect for the setting or context, a thinning out of the urban fabric, conservation and restoration treatments, the grafting of the new upon the old, and reconstruction. Learn more here:
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Rationalism, a Style of Architecture Calea Vittoriei Bucharest In architecture, Rationalism is an architectural current which mostly developed from Italy in the 1920s and 1930s. Vitruvius had claimed in his work De Architectura that architecture is a science that can be comprehended rationally. The formulation was taken up and further developed in the architectural treatises of the Renaissance. Eighteenth-century progressive art theory opposed the Baroque use of illusionism with the classic beauty of truth and reason. Twentieth-century Rationalism derived less from a special, unified theoretical work than from a common belief that the most varied problems posed by the real world could be resolved by reason. In that respect, it represented a reaction to Historicism and a contrast to Art Nouveau and Expressionism. Source: Wikipedia From my project Bucharest in Shades of Monochrome. #RationalismArchitecture #BucharestArchitecture #Bucharest #Romania
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Germane Barnes exhibition explores notions of classical architecture and identity
Germane Barnes exhibition explores notions of classical architecture and identity
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