Innovative PSBN device news from France - a new hybrid "Direct-Mode" device solution for PSBN / PS-LTE.. a new cross-band RSM bridge...
Very interesting new device - I highly recommend 911 Public Safety communications practitioners in Canada to read up on the French ACMOSS system, and to follow that agency for their continual stream of innovative solutions!
See here:
This latest solution from Airbus & Capgemini & now being previewed by ACMOSS in France is a #hybrid VHF-LTE device that allows for direct-mode (i.e., user-to-user without infrastructure) comms in the event of a cellular outage or #RF signal fade.
The device automatically shifts the 911 #EmergencyResponder user comms to direct-mode VHF signals in the event of a 4G or 5G RF link disruption, #naturaldisasters or other signal fade issue with carrier services.
By combining & bridging a direct-mode VHF #LMR "mini-module" or RSM (non-trunking VHF Radio + Remote Speaker Mic) as a backup for #FirstResponder voice-only communications + a standard-issue cellular device for all other daily #data & #voice comms, we get a hybrid device combo that overcomes PS-LTE's lack of long range peer-to-peer #communications.
Direct-Mode 3GPP ProSE standards still have some work to be done since RF link budget power levels are a challenge - although I think new Quantum Radio / Rydberg State atomic technology will help this quite soon (a topic for a future post!)
However, this ingenious hybrid module from ACMOSS via #Airbus & #Capgemini in #France helps solve a key contingency - namely that in the absence of radio tower infrastructure in a major disaster - cellular users would not be able to go to a backup "user-to-user" mode to communicate.
With the ACMOSS "micro-poire" - you have a sort of #RSM with lower cost direct-mode VHF functionality & a bridge link to a cellular device.
#Firefighters, #Police & #EMS agencies can use "multi-carrier" #PSBN / #MVNO services for all primary voice & data - and falling back to VHF direct-mode via the RSM "micro-poire" when needed as a safety net.
BTW - A similar & very interesting Open-Source project that illustrates this "hybrid" telecom band / bridging concept is the VHF-to-SmartPhone module from KV4P - perhaps a harbinger of similar Public Safety Smartphone "snap-on" concepts in the future for direct-mode PS-LTE boosting or cross-band bridging:
Phil Crnko, P.Eng. highlights an interesting move in France to ensure a hybrid device delivers both MC-PTT on the ACMOSS cellular network and VHF direct mode ("talk around" for North American folks) on a single device. The effort fills in a critical gap that emergency services organizations face when moving push-to-talk to LTE or 5G. But the effort may fall flat if the device form factor does not support firefighter ergonomics (read "fat fingers") and the demands of effective command & control.
More information on the wired and Bluetooth devices are in the ACMOSS RRF Equipment Catalog: and
Kudos to the Airbus Public Safety and Security, Capgemini, and ACMOSS - Agence des communications mobiles opérationnelles de sécurité et de secours teams for stepping up to the challenge.
Last week, I had the pleasure of welcoming our iliad Italian team for a learning expedition focused on artificial intelligence and large language models. Together, we shared our recipes on how these technologies are transforming our work. 🚀🍕Alberto RescignoFrancesco Como Giorgio Carafa Cohen
Sorry for the "clichés" – couldn't resist a good slice of fun! 😉
#AI is a bit like pizza: diverse, adaptable, and always better when shared!
Just like a pizza can be customized with a variety of toppings, our discussions revealed that language models can be specifically tailored to enhance our projects, regardless of language or sector.
Here are some highlights from our exchange, where technology meets tradition to create solutions that, like a good pizza, bring together and nourish innovation and collaboration:
Diversity and Customization: Just like you can tailor your pizza with various toppings, language models can be adapted to meet specific needs in terms of language, tone, and style.
Complexity Under a Simple Facade: At first glance, a pizza seems simple, but it is the result of a clever blend of good ingredients and mastered techniques. Similarly, AI: behind an easy-to-use user interface lies complex technology, the fruit of advanced research.
Continuous Improvement: Just like chefs refine their pizza recipes to achieve the best taste possible, AI developers are constantly working on improving algorithms to make language models more accurate, efficient, and comprehensible.
The Importance of the Base: Just as the base is essential for supporting all the toppings on a pizza, the quality of training data is crucial for developing an effective language model. A solid foundation leads to better results.
Universal Experience, Local Applications: Pizza is enjoyed worldwide, but each culture has its favorite variations. Similarly, AI can be global but often needs to be adapted to meet local cultural and linguistic specifics.
Let’s continue to cook up innovative solutions together!
Thank you for their strong support Aude DurandAurélia KUNCELMANMarion CHAPARRODenis PlanatLaurent Cheyssial
La semaine dernière nous accueillions iliad dans notre siège à Marseille pour parler d'IA. 🚀
Une learning expedition sur deux jours menée par Patrick Escande.
Au programme :
🧠 Présentation de notre démarche liée à l'usage de l'IA Générative pour nos métiers et clients
🤝 Démos en live avec notre Centre d'Expertise Client
🤜 🤛 Workshops autours du développement des Large Language Machine et de leur intégration métiers
Grazie a tutti per questi due giorni 🫶
🇨🇳🇮🇹 Un chirurgien basé à Rome a réalisé avec succès une opération à distance sur un patient situé à 8.000 km de là, à pékin !
📍Grâce à des systèmes robotiques de pointe et à la puissance de la technologie 5G, l'équipe a mené à bien l'opération avec précision et contrôle en temps réel, malgré la grande distance.
📍Cette technologie permet aux patients des régions éloignées ou mal desservies de recevoir des soins de haute qualité de la part de chirurgiens de renommée mondiale sans avoir à se déplacer.
Source: CGTN Europe
TNT : things are moving on the French law side for UHD
With #paris2024 Olympics in UHD, and a temporary authorization given to France TV only for few more years, it was about time to have a law that will be voted this month at the National Assembly.
Lots of texts to read as well as great interviews from CEDRIC DAVY & team.
My insights :
- law says that TV sets will have to be compatible with UHD format as soon as installed base is greater than 20%, it is currently 70% !
- law says that on cTV there will be a requirement to have a « TNT button » to put TNT at the same level as other OTT services. With some cTVs, you can only find DTT after several clicks.
- HbbTV is mentioned for interactivity. The devil is in the details.
- a label « ready for UHD » is mentioned, implementation left to industry.
- HD switch off planned for 2029 on TNT. Who said no one is interested by UHD again? Like it or not, people will only watch UHD in France for FTA content in 5 years. Time for me to retire, « mission accomplished « . ☺️
Of course, nothing is said about « Freely a la Française », still in the baking phase, UK is way faster than France on that as the service was launched this month, but France will follow fast, I am convinced.
Jacques Donat-BouilludVincent GrivetBenjamin Schwarz
Les 23 et 24 mai 2024, à l'Assemblée Nationale sera votée la réforme de l'audiovisuel public
Il faut qu'elle comprenne l'encadrement législatif de l'Ultra Haute Définition
Condition pour un passage généralisé de la HD à l'UHD vers 2029/ 2030
C'est important pour la promotion immobilière
Les antennes sont toujours obligatoires et importantes pour les téléspectateurs
An excellent presentation by Raphaël Le Gall (TotalEnergies’ One Tech branch) on the technical and economic challenges of e-fuels as part of the #T4TClub# (Together for Transition) led by the #TruckSolutions team# (TotalEnergies’ Marketing Services branch)
The integration between R&D teams and operational and commercial units is crucial for a company's innovation and growth.
Présentation le 14/05 à Paris de nos activités R&D sur les eFuels dans le cadre du Club T4T (Together for Transition).
Un focus particulier sur les challenges des eFuels, des feedstocks aux produits, challenges techniques mais avant tout économiques!
Merci au MS pour leur invitation ! Une belle opportunité de promouvoir notre feuille de route R&D eFuels! ✈️ 🛳️ 🚘
Merci particulièrement à Haïfa Ben Hassine , Jean-Baptiste Blondel, Arnaud Protat .
International business developer | I help businesses to innovate through partnership empowerment | Docaposte votre référent du numérique responsable et éthique
#Digital_Trust_ServicesDocaposte ranks 4th among #digital trust players in #France in the 2024 ranking by the Digital Trust Services Observatory (ACN - Alliance for Digital Trust). This year, we have moved up two places 🎉🎊 !
In the top 15 global players, Docaposte is positioned 12th.
And the best is yet to come ✨ 🏅
🇨🇳🇮🇹 Un chirurgien basé à Rome a réalisé avec succès une opération à distance sur un patient situé à 8.000 km de là, à pékin !
📍Grâce à des systèmes robotiques de pointe et à la puissance de la technologie 5G, l'équipe a mené à bien l'opération avec précision et contrôle en temps réel, malgré la grande distance.
📍Cette technologie permet aux patients des régions éloignées ou mal desservies de recevoir des soins de haute qualité de la part de chirurgiens de renommée mondiale sans avoir à se déplacer.
Source: CGTN Europe