Ministry of Energy Commissions Leone Rock Mini Grid Facility
In line with government's commitment to scaling up nationwide access to reliable and affordable electricity,the Ministry of Energy in collaboration with Power Leone has commissioned a mini grid facility at Borope village, Kamasondo chiefdom, Port Loko district. The project was implemented by Power Leone after the company secured funding in the form of a grant from the Universal Energy Facility. Seventeen communities across the country are to benefit from the project,and Borope is one of the seven communities that are to benefit from the first phase. The Regent Chief of Kamasondo chiefdom welcomed stakeholders to his chiefdom, noting that his community could not hide their joy at the prospect of having to enjoy electricity. Resident Minister Northwest, Ambassador Umaru Bon Wurrie, said that Port Loko district plays an important role in Sierra Leone's economic matrix, adding that the Government of President Julius Maada Bio had committed itself to harnessing the economic and social potentials of the district. He informed the gathering that the identification and selection of Borope as a beneficiary of the first phase of the electrification project was a testament to how close the district is to the heart of the President. Chief Director of Energy, Ing. Benjamin, who spoke on behalf of the Deputy Minister of Energy l, said the Ministry would continue to deliver on its mandate of providing electricity to cities, towns and villages. He urged the community to own and jealously guard the project. Deputy Secretary at the Ministry of Energy, Emmanuel Junisa, chaired the program. With the energy sector and the Feed Salone agenda being inextricably linked, reforms continue in the sector.
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