Simplify to Amplify! Many investors make this classic error of over-diversifying their mutual fund portfolios. This typically happens when one keeps switching to recent outperformers or falling for some aggressive sales pitches to own the new "hot" fund. Though this might give you a good feeling of owning winners, in the long run, by owning too many funds - you end up with a portfolio of funds with a high overlap and end up owning almost all the stocks out there, diminishing your chances of beating the market! With the current bull run, now is a great time to swipe through stacks of funds and bring it down to a focused, truly diversified portfolio. This will enhance your ability to monitor performance and adjust to market conditions, boosting your long-term returns! 👉 Stay wise, optimize with Optimus Wealth. #Investments #Finance #PersonalFinance #WealthManagement Disclaimer: We are an AMFI-registered Mutual Fund Distributor. Do no construe this as investment advice. Every investors requirements and risk appetites are unique. Please consult a registered distributor/advisor to know what works best for you.
Great information, Varun Asher, CFA!
Director - Vaccines, Pfizer India I Oncology | Transformation Leader I Launch Accelerator
3moThis is very helpful Varun Asher, CFA