Origin Energy’s Post

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CEO Frank Calabria spoke to ABC Radio National’s Andy Park about the significant change occurring in the energy market with the growth in variable renewable energy and as we prepare for the retirement of the nation’s coal fired power stations. They discussed Australia’s long-term ambition to be net zero by 2050 and the changes required to the way the National Electricity Market works to ensure it remains fit for purpose and able to drive investment in the right mix of technologies that can deliver good outcomes across reliability of supply, cost to customers and emissions reduction. The upcoming post-2030 review of the NEM is an important opportunity we must grasp to set our energy market up for the long-term so it can continue to support the economic and social well-being of the nation.

Origin boss says the energy market is no longer fit-for-purpose and needs an overhaul - ABC listen

Origin boss says the energy market is no longer fit-for-purpose and needs an overhaul - ABC listen


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