Vince Orlando’s Post

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Multi-dimensional alchemist

When we sign those terms and conditions, we sign away our likeness. These corporations then turn around and sell our likeness in multi-billion dollar data mining operations, while simultaneously strong-arming us via the corporate abuses mentioned above, and don't pay us a dime for it. The theft of our collective likeness must stop immediately, by any means necessary. If these corporations were to offer a fraction of a percent for the revenue they generate through their data mining operations, where they sell our likeness for grotesque, unencumbered profits, it would literally end poverty as we know it. This is possible through web 5.0 and through self-sovereign identity (SSI). We The People NTWR, via the architect of these systems, will offer SSI free of charge to anyone who joins our new ticker with which to exhibit to the ruling-class our collective ownership of the economy, and our corresponding power to change everything when unified, free of charge in the near future. Stay tuned for those details. We The People NTWR is proclaiming a new day where the corporation acts in the best interest of the consumer, rather than the prioritization and optimization of its profit margins at our expense. From now on, the responsibility is on the corporation to engage the consumer prior to extracting the consumers hard earned dollars from the consumer's account, to ask permission to do so. I know you multi-national, multi-billion dollar corporations may deem this a hassle, but the current system where the money is extracted from the self-sovereign individual under duress and trapped in the debt prison of the banking cartels is a direct infringement upon the Creator bestowed, unalienable right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of each and every self-sovereign individual walking Earth's soil. To that extent, if you do not alter your course, expect to be named in the forthcoming class action, civil rights violations lawsuit naming all, but not limited to, the aforementioned offenders. In a truly free market the consumer reigns supreme. Start acting like it, or we're going going to take our market back. This is not a threat. It is full disclosure. You've been warned. #wethepeople #wethepeoplentwr #notaxationwithoutrepresentation #noviolence #nodivision #notwopartysystem #embracethejourney #breakthecycle #bethechange #vote4anythingbutthe2 #givemequanimityandlibertyorgivemedeath

We The People NTWR Declaration of Self-Sovereign Independence in Opposition to Current Corporate Abuse

We The People NTWR Declaration of Self-Sovereign Independence in Opposition to Current Corporate Abuse

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