The Osceola County Board of County Commissioners approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with South Korean tech company ELSPES, marketing a $470 million investment in NeoCityFL. This will include a 75,000 square-foot manufacturing facility and world headquarters, focused on developing silicon capacitors for high-performance computing. Economic Impact: 👉 600+ high-paying jobs 👉 At least half of these jobs will be in place by the end of 2028 👉 ELSPES becomes the first private company to acquire property at #NeoCityFL. The two sides now have six months to finalize the details of this transformative partnership, further strengthening NeoCity’s position as a global leader in advanced technology. This milestone builds on NeoCity's growing momentum, including the creation of the Central Florida Semiconductor Innovation Engine as a result of the National Science Foundation (NSF) award. #OsceolaCounty continues to position itself to Being First to What's Next.
Wonderful news for Osceola County and the region.