The world had to listen to the rather nasal voice of an #Arsenal fan in Baku at #COP29. You can't help but feel Keir is swimming against the tide at the moment. In fact you sort of feel he is swimming in a pool of his own given the lack of many of the G7 world leaders to attend the conference and the loudly voiced intentions on energy supply dominance of a #NewTrump administration (
However, curiously on the same day (whether by design or coincidence), #GreatBritishNuclear announced it had opened discussions with shortlisted UK SMR technology providers. Given UK’s own nuclear deterrent, it’s probably one area of joined-up thinking in government – subsidize your own nuclear deterrence program while rolling out a proven military technology still unproven on #CiviStreet ( Great if you can export it in a #BrexitWorld!
With this Labour government seemingly nailing a death sign to the long-term viability for #UKNorthSea O&G in the budget, UK energy policy has officially become another experiment for the developed world. Like Germany’s Energiewende and California’s integrated energy policy, we do not know where it will end up. #FingersCrossed / #CloseYourEyes.
In the EIA’s report on Levelized Costs of New Generation Resources 2022, LCOE costs for advanced nuclear (including both small and large nuclear reactors) don't look too different from the costs of nuclear of old. At around $88/MWh it's similar to other nuclear with low variable/operating costs and sky-high capital costs. This is the 2nd most expensive of dispatchable, non-resource-constrained technologies in the US. A huge amount is riding on whether technology providers/manufacturers can bring this capital cost down through planning reform, productivity improvements and an economy of scale in the manufacturing processes. Again, a gamble. At least it’s #HomeGrown with Rolls-Royce (so long as #Red #EdMiliband doesn't opt for foreign, perhaps cheaper tech). They will need to go big or go home to bring cost efficiencies in for both military and civilian use, I presume paid for, at least initially, by big subsidies and more #taxes (or #debt!).
Given this high-risk strategy that #1stGearKeir seems to have embarked upon, by driving North Sea gas back under the sea from whence it came and pinning hopes on resource-constrained tech + nascent nuclear tech, he’s going to have to play international politics very well in a volatile world. I can’t see EU countries bridging this #EnergyDeficit for the UK given the current state of play…it will be LNG imports from the #Permian #theMarcellus and our partners in the #MiddleEast (Qatar/Saudi/UAE).