The versatile role of Hydropower!
Great video from the National Hydropower Association which demonstrates the importance of hydropower and the role it has to play in the clean energy grid. Hydropower is often the 'forgotten' renewable energy source for a number of reasons, being overshadowed by the rapid growth and public attention given to other renewable sources like wind and solar power in recent years. There is also a perception that most economically viable hydropower sites have already been developed, limiting further growth potential. This is of course incorrect. In the US alone for example, a DOE assessment found that adding hydropower generating equipment to existing non-powered dams could provide up to 12GW of new hydropower capacity from around 50,000 suitable dams currently used for other purposes like water supply regulation. That's why spreading the word on the potential and benefits of hydropower is so important. #hydropower #hydroelectric #cleanenergy #withhydropower