Sunday Reflection- 14/04/2024 Understanding the ins and outs of your organization is key to adding meaningful value and being an effective contributor. Knowing the BUSINESS of your BUSINESS will help you make more informed decisions and better align your work with your organization's goals. Take the initiative today and dive into your organization's mission, vision, core values and overall strategy. By doing so, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the organization and be better equipped to contribute to its success. #organizationalgoals #valueaddition #itspossible
This is very true and very important to know your business core values, goal and direction the business is going to
That is what we call impromptu speaking or table topics, as a speaker it's important to know that any time you can be called upon to speak 🗣️ well-done sir this is amazing
Patrick Banda - PB Amazing. I love the content and storytelling. Keep up doing amazing work and educating us.
Really amazing insights thank you so much
Great advice Patrick Banda - PB . It’s important that people understand what their operation entails if they have to add even more value.
This is brilliant 👏👏. Thank you for sharing.
Amazing wonderful insight.Very important thanks PB
10moInspiring mr banda thanks for sharing .