Paul White’s Post

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Author, writer, publisher, digital artist, book cover designer, photographer, creative

What is your Royal Navy nickname, where did it come from, and why? All is revealed in this book, The Andrew, Jack & Jenny. Unlike the civilian nicknames we get labelled with, those our classmates called us at school, the names various work colleagues may apply to us from time to time, or the ones our siblings find amusing, a military nickname has greater significance, it holds a value only fully comprehended by our contemporaries. Arguably, the Royal Navy has the most entrenched tradition among the services for bestowing nicknames, names not only for each sailor but for places, equipment, and actions. This book, The Andrew, Jack & Jenny, focuses on the names given to each skin and essence the moment they became a matelot. Royal Naval nicknames are not chosen by the recipient, they are bestowed, irrevocably, by custom and tradition. Paperback from Amazon, #navy #royalnavy #military #veteran #sailor #matelot #service #names #nicknames #life

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