PAVE Europe was honoured to host the first CCAM--ERAS Stakeholder Community meeting in Brussels yesterday! Experts from across Europe were invited to share their unique perspectives on educational and workforce development needs, skills forecasting, regulatory and infrastructure needs, and more. Learnings will inform the project’s recommendations for targeted training programmes, policy updates, aligned strategies between the labour market and industry to ensure a robust and adaptive labour market in the face of CCAM advancement. We would like to thank our participants for their attendance and insights, and our Consortia partners for making the workshop a success! If you would like to join the CCAM-ERAS Stakeholder Community, please register here: European Commission Panteia CINOP MaaSLab Cambridge Econometrics ITS Norway Rupprecht Consult GmbH WMG, University of Warwick Confederation of Organisations in Road Transport Enforcement SINTEF Swiss Re Blees Swiss Association for Autonomous Mobility (SAAM) CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency #CCAMERAS #Mobility #Innovation #FutureOfWork #SocioEconomicImpact #AutomatedMobility #SustainableTransport #Skills
PAVE Europe, it was truly worth attending workshop, and I gained a lot from the experience. Looking forward to more such insightful events in the future!
Great workshop and a fantastic network opportunity for experts in #autonomousmobility and #autonomousdriving Thank you PAVE Europe Guido Di Pasquale Nicola Hare
Great event PAVE Europe , hopefully you found our AV deployment feedback useful
CSRD Compliance Specialists & Business Strategist in Transport & Logistics
4hFantastic day some great discussions, on how Europe can finally catch up with the US and China and allow large scale deployments of AV's and the positive impact it will have on RoadSafety and VisionZero, the transport and logistics sector and society in general, something we hope the new EU Parliament will make a priority!