Is it possible to embed charging systems like inductive coils directly in the road? Yes. Would this degrade the pavement? No. Even in the long run? No again. Thanks to #UniversitéGustaveEiffel for this rigorous scientific validation. Next step: the highway.
It’s always nice to receive confirmation of what we already knew As part of the "Charge as You Drive" project with our partners at VINCI in #France, the #LAMES Laboratory at Université Gustave Eiffel tested Electreon’s wireless charging technology for pavement durability. This is an important step in France’s mission to expand Electric Road Systems (#ERS) nationwide. The results are promising. As Pierre Hornych, Director of LAMES, stated: "Results from our Carousel simulation confirm that Electreon’s wireless coils embedded beneath a pavement structure similar to the A10 highway have no adverse effects on road durability." 📽️ Watch the 1 minute video to see how it was done. Special thanks to Pierre Hornych, Gustavo Otto and Mai Lan NGUYEN from the Laboratoire Auscultation, Modélisation, Expérimentation des Infrastructures de Transport (#LAMES) at Université Gustave Eiffel and Pierre Delaigue from VINCI Autoroutes for this valuable work. #ElectricRoadSystems #WirelessCharging #SustainableTransportation #SmartMobility