The C40 Water Accelerator launched in 2023 with our support, providing a framework of action commitments and a path to achieve them. The research project provides insight into the Accelerators as a mechanism to drive change that will impact climate actions globally.
What do you think when you hear historic preservation? Repairs to an old church or revitalization of a main street block? Historic preservation grants can also document missing pieces of local history, create sustainable revenue for the keepers of our past, and spur the economy. 👉 To learn about projects that go beyond saving old places, read the full story:
A research project by Adam Hamze (Radford University, Political Science) showcases the scientific method, and even more so, design thinking methodologies. Through observation, understanding, and interviewing, Hamze hopes to get a better understanding of the complexities of the Appalachian culture and the people that help form it. #designthinking#radford
If you’ve got evidence to share about the impacts of colonisation in Queensland, then the Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry would like to hear from you.
The Inquiry is investigating the most complete picture of Queensland’s history to-date. Your submissions will help build this story. Everyone has a different story to tell, that’s what brings us together.
You can make a submission about your personal lived experience or your family’s lived experience through stories passed down or historical records. You could also submit the experience of your organisation or staff members, or organisational/institutional research findings.
Learn more on how to make a submission
Have you ever wondered about the cost of lost land and resources for our tribes in today's dollars? What is the price tag of violence and forced removal?
#Colorado's Truth, Restoration, Education Commission (TREC) is currently working on mapping the economic cost of harm done to Colorado's tribes.
Learn more here:
One of our Urban Public Policy Fellowship (UPPF) Graduate Mentors here at IPCE, Alexander Diaz, shares his experience at the Democratic National Convention. Follow this link to read more about his experience in our most recent UPPF blog post!
Passing along a grant specifically for preservation projects in small towns with populations of 10,000 or less.
Grants from the Hart Family Fund for Small Towns are intended to encourage preservation at the local level by providing seed money for preservation projects in small towns with populations of 10,000 or less. These grants help stimulate public discussion, enable local groups to gain the technical expertise needed for particular projects, introduce the public to preservation concepts and techniques, and encourage financial participation by the private sector. Grants from the Hart Family Fund for Small Towns generally range from $2,500 to $15,000. The selection process is very competitive.
Calling all preservationists in small towns! The Hart Family Fund from the National Trust provides grants up to $15,000 for preservation projects in towns with populations of 10,000 or less.
These grants help stimulate public discussion, enable local groups to gain the technical expertise needed for particular projects, introduce the public to preservation concepts and techniques, and encourage financial participation by the private sector.
Applications are due May 1:
Photo courtesy Martha's Vineyard Historical Preservation Society West Tisbury Grange Hall
Two quotes from Riane Eisler's interview with Eli Ingraham that I particularly like. You may find additional ones if you read this interview, which is published in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies.
1) "None of us can solve the issues of the world by ourselves. It is our combined, repeated, and synchronized activities, no matter on what level, that will turn domination systems into partnership systems."
2)"We bring about the world. It does not happen to us. We make choices. We act or we do not act. Both have consequences. The Greeks called this phenomenon poiesis, which is the root word for poetry. It means to bring something into being that did not exist before. It carries the essence of creativity, culture, and civilization itself. We need people to embrace poiesis. We need people to bring a part of themselves that did not exist before into being."
Pioneering Social Scientist | Futurist | Macrohistorian | Author: The Chalice and the Blade, The Real Wealth of Nations, Nurturing Our Humanity [and more] | Founder Center for Partnership Systems | Advancing #Partnerism
"We are living in a system that’s been defined and driven for millennia by a
certain “logic” and we need to reinstate a paradigm driven by an “ecologic,” if you will ... Every generation plays a role in human history, for better or worse. And like it or not, our generation is tasked with the future of civilization." Eli Ingraham interviewed by Riane Eister in the new IJPS -
The C40 Water Accelerator launched in 2023 with our support, providing a framework of action commitments and a path to achieve them. The research project provides insight into the Accelerators as a mechanism to drive change that will impact climate actions globally. GRUNDFOS