PELVIPHARM reposted this
Again, congratulations to the whole Pelvipharm team, great job!
Arizona this weekend. Our CSO Charlotta Gauffin and Dr Harin Padma-Nathan, representing Dicot Pharma at the biggest sexual medicine conference in the US, attracted a lot of attention when presenting the in-depth results from our phase 1 study. In Dr Padma-Nathan´s words: "It’s been a quarter-century of wait for a new class of oral medications for erectile dysfunction. The assembled experts at SMSNA, particularly those involved in the original Viagra research, clearly understood that a strong signal had emerged from the phase 01 study, that the wait is finally over and that the entire treatment regimen for erectile dysfunction may soon be revolutionized”. Read more here: #SMSNA #pharma #pharmaceutical #drugdevelopent #sexualdysfunctions #erectiledysfunction #prematureejaculation #lifescience #kliniskastudier #läkemedelsutveckling #sexuelladysfunktioner #erektionssvikt #tidigutlösning