Tour life in a nutshell: the whole orchestra on the road, delayed flights, and lots of love for music🫶
Get a glimpse of the Luxembourg Philharmonic on the Spain tour, from playing the first notes in Barcelona to the final applause in Madrid. Relive the passion, energy, and emotion of these unforgettable performances.
Thank you Maestro Gustavo Gimeno for an amazing final tour together.
Shout-out to extraordinary soloists Iveta Apkalna and Denis Kozhukhin, to everyone who made this journey possible and to our wonderful audience in Spain!
Spain in a way, it's a coincidence, in a way, probably makes sense, probably makes more sense than what we realize when we made the plans. But it feels to me a bit like a celebration of our time together during these 10 years. Wir hatten auf der Tournee ja einige ��berraschungen. Ein Flug kam zu sp��t und Koffer haben gefehlt. Est ce que l'avion va d��coller��? En arrivant 20 Min avant la fin de raccord de tout type, faire le concert. Ich sehr bleiben und auf der B��hne, sobald das Licht angeht, gibt bei uns der Schalter um und wir performen, egal was drau��en passiert ist. Lasalle, Barcelone et les mythiques, elle est magnifique, c'est c'est un, c'est un bijou. C'est aussi un endroit connu de tous les musiciens dans le monde, donc c'est toujours un plaisir de jouer l��-bas. The off stage part in The Pines of Rome and so that was really fun to play above the stage. Adam, the principal trumpet, he's playing an off stage solo and he has a little TV screen which shows Gustavo conducting in live time. I'm having really the time of my life. The Gershwin Piano Concerto. For me, it's a big, big, wonderful piece for orchestra and piano. So there I'm really enjoying because I also like to feel that I'm part of the orchestra, you know? It's a cool piece, really cool, but a lot of humor. As I said, you can also hear this industrial rhythms of a city like New York where it's, you know. Tires and claxons and and all that. It's amazing. At the same time, is very profound, is very deep, especially second movement. C��t�� ��motionnel qui ��tait pas facile parce que bah on voyait donc la catastrophe. Et puis on savait tr��s bien que que que ��a vaut-il vient de de Balenciaga, ��a tombe dans un moment pas tr��s facile. C'est peut-��tre pas la demi-f��te qu'on qu'on pensait avoir un moment de cl��ture de 10 ann��es �� peu pr��s de de collaboration avec Gustavo. As they are, considering the situation in Valencia has been challenging. But I had many moments of sadness and grief when I was on my own. But I always find art, culture, music especially, really uplifting, not only for me but I think for many people. Pr��xima estaci��n, Madrid. La salle, ici �� Madrid, est une salle qui sonne relativement en forme et dans laquelle il y a moyen d'avoir de la pr��cision dans les ex��cutions d'orchestre. Wir haben sogar auch Publikum hinter uns sitzen, was die Sache noch mal viel spannender macht, wenn man ��ber die Schulter geschaut bekommt. Pulang Organ Concerto is for the first time in this series of concerts, so I'm very happy that we have brought something new in the history of ever Musica. It's actually very serious piece, but at the same time it has very difficult form. There is something from the coral, there's something from the church. At the same time there's also something little bit jazzy, little bit more free and colorful. So to find this balance for me as a soloist and then also to find it together with the conductor, this is maybe the most important to be together building some beautiful cathedral. And that's how I how I feel playing this. Something which I very much value and enjoy of my profession, which is being with other human beings at certain moment in a place and sharing something and sharing emotions and sharing music making and sharing the music we make with an audience. Je pense que des tourn��es intra-europ��ennes, ��a a encore du sens parce que je pense que les les gens ont envie d'entendre parfois des orchestres, pas toujours de leur ville ou de leur pays, mais je pense qu'il y a parfois une d��connexion par rapport �� la r��alit�� actuelle de la lutte contre le r��chauffement climatique. Parfois, ��a peut ��tre tr��s fatiguant en tourn��e, mais il faut continuer avec ��a je je crois, puisque c'est quand m��me important pour la croissance musicale et professionnelle.
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