since the september 11 attacks, it has become widely known that many events are #foreshadowed through subliminals in popular media.
with this "revelation of the method", #they always tell you beforehand.
all you need to be doing is pay attention.
every year, The Economist magazine covers are rife with encoded messages, and much like their previous issue, we have a depiction of #saturn included as a lighbulb in this artwork.
it seems to #rule over different types of #marinelife, which likely refers to the #ageofaquarius starting back on november 19th.
on this symbolic date, #pluto shifted back into #aquarius to remain in place until the year 2043, a planet known for life, death, #rebirth, renewal, and all things transformation.
coincidentally, it also was the anniversary of the 1000th day of the #russoukrainian war, introducing a major #escalation where long-range #ATACMS missiles from the #militaryindustrialcomplex got launched into the #russian bryansk region.
a world that our #luciferian elite worship that saw humans and #fallenangels living together, in harmony, is the #antediluvian age.
in ancient greek mythology it was the #preflood time period of the old testament.
this “golden age" was ruled by #cronos or saturn, a time known for peace, prosperity, extended lifespans, demi-humans etc.
the age of aquarius or the new golden age of a #marinekingdom is rising in this cover.
chinese script in this artwork likely references the upcoming #chinesenewyear, as we're undergoing transition from the year of the wood #dragon into the year of the wood #snake.
"and the great dragon was cast out; that serpent of old called the devil and satan, who deceiveth the whole world. he was cast out onto the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." - revelation 12:9
Step into Christmas with our double issue—and see whether you can identify all of the stories on our cover. Here’s how we put it together:
Illustration: Xinmei Liu
"Sound is my passion." (Raphaël Rippinger) AI language model trainer, audio-visual producer, sound-engineer, copywriter, composer, aircraft engineer, technical translator, digital asset manager, archivist.
3moBravo Lara! Je suis profondément heureux de voir que certaines des choses qui me tenaient tant à cœur sont non seulement préservées, mais aussi mises en lumière avec soin. C’est incroyable tout ce qui s’est accumulé en près de 20 ans… Autant de petits trésors, qui, bien qu’ayant surtout une valeur émotionnelle, regorgent d’histoires et d’anecdotes. Ils ravivent les souvenirs d’une époque et la joie intense que nous avons partagée en équipe. Je pense à la fameuse poupée Tchaïkovski et aux 8 épisodes vidéos que nous avons réalisés autour d’elle — devenus de véritables classiques de nos productions marketing. Une vidéo par semaine, si ma mémoire est bonne… Ah, quelle époque ! Pour les nostalgiques ou les curieux, retrouvez les 8 épisodes de "Compositeur en résidence" sur le canal YouTube de la Philharmonie. Et pour les coulisses de cette aventure, voici le making-of: