For people with complex health conditions, spending the holidays at home instead of in hospital isn’t just a dream – it can be reality. Whether it’s enjoying traditions, sharing a meal, or simply being together, no one should miss out on time with loved ones — a reality we work to make possible all year round, not just during the holidays. In the past, patients needing close monitoring couldn’t easily celebrate at home. But advancements in technology and remote patient monitoring means #healthcare is moving beyond hospital wall, helping people receive specialist care from the comfort of home. Read how one health and wellness organization is bringing care into the home and working to remove traditional barriers to care access:
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Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist
2wAdd this device to your product line to help these complex health issues even more. Not only great for hospitals and nursing facilities, but at home as well to assist not only the patient but the caregiver alike. Contact me for the purchase of the Utility Patent. Currently On Sale for Christmas!