Recent research led by Professor Christopher J. Bae from the University of Hawaiʻi suggests the discovery of a potential new human species, Homo juluensis. This study, published in Nature Communications, aims to clarify the complex fossil record of ancient human-like species in Asia, particularly during the late Middle and early Late Pleistocene. By reorganizing fossil evidence, Bae and his team propose that Homo juluensis may include the enigmatic Denisovans. This research enhances our understanding of human evolution in Asia, providing new insights into the diverse groups that once inhabited the region. Co-author Xiujie Wu contributed significantly to this groundbreaking work.’s Post
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Some centuries-old questions that have convulsed biologists and philosophers alike are: What makes us humans? At which point in our evolutionary journey did nature decide to create what we are today? To this date, years of research have yielded unsatisfactory results and the brain seeks to disseminate whether we were looking at the wrong place...... To know more about the intricacies of recent evolutionary studies, read my Article for the Krishan Foundation.
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The Theory of Common Ancestor in evolutionary biology suggests *all living organisms share a single ancient ancestor, but lacks concrete evidence*. Arguments against include *lack of fossil* proof, *complexity of life* forms, *reliance on assumptions*, and *circular reasoning*. Proponents rely on speculation and extrapolation rather than rigorous scientific studies to prove its validity. The *theory is based on imaginary conjectures* and does not provide solid evidence to support it. -- Can imaginative or creative ideas replace concrete facts, details and rationality?
Common Ancestor: Fact or Speculation
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Scientists in New Zealand have conducted the first-ever dissection of a spade-toothed whale, a rare species with only six known specimens. The 16-foot male whale was found beached in Otago, providing a unique opportunity for scientific study. The dissection revealed that the whale has nine stomach chambers filled with squid remains and parasitic worms. Researchers also discovered vestigial teeth, giving insight into the whale's evolutionary history and its shift from ancestors with functional teeth. This project was a collaboration between Western science and Indigenous knowledge, led by Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou and Ngāti Wai experts. The whale was named Ōnumia to honor the local community’s involvement in the discovery and research. #WhaleDiscovery #MarineBiology #EvolutionaryScience #RareSpecies #NewZealandResearch #IndigenousKnowledge #MarineLife #ScientificBreakthrough #WhaleConservation #NatureExploration
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Origin of humanity: The origin of humanity is a subject studied by both paleoanthropology and genetics. Fossils and archaeological evidence suggest that Homo sapiens appeared in Africa around 300,000 years ago .Genetic studies confirm that all modern humans share a common origin dating back to this period in Africa. This theory is known as the "Recent African Origin Theory" or "Out of Africa". Role of Humanity : The role of humanity has evolved over time and can be viewed in various ways depending on philosophical, religious and scientific contexts. From a scientific perspective, humans have played a crucial role as modifiers of the environment, influencing ecosystems and causing significant changes in the planet's biodiversity. On a more philosophical and ethical level, some believe that the role of humanity is to progress, create, learn and improve living conditions , while taking care of the planet and all its forms of life. Laws and living together: Laws and social rules are essential elements in allowing human society to function in a harmonious and orderly manner. These laws can be formal (such as laws enshrined in legal codes) or informal (such as social norms and cultural conventions). They aim to regulate behavior to guarantee security, justice and equality. Living together also implies respect for rights and freedoms of others, as well as the promotion of solidarity and cooperation. Life in society requires the establishment of structures and systems that facilitate peaceful and productive coexistence. This includes the education system, political and economic institutions , health services, and conflict resolution mechanisms. Understanding and respecting cultural and individual diversity also plays a crucial role in maintaining social cohesion and collective well-being. In short, humanity has deep and complex origins, an evolving role in shaping our world, and depends on laws and social norms to live together harmoniously. “Mankind will have to put an end to war, or war will put an end to humanity.”John Kennedy / UN Speech September 25, 1961 .
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A great read! A great synopsis of how researchers are revisiting centuries of literature and studied fossils, including the only surviving soft tissue from a dodo, to better understand the bird's taxonomy and evolutionary history. The research provides new insights into the biology (they were most likely quick and agile), behavior, and disappearance of the dodo (based on historical records, they did not taste good), marking an important step in understanding the truth about this iconic bird.
Who’s the Dodo Now? A Famously Extinct Bird, Reconsidered.
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🦑 Ancient Sharks: A Deep Dive into Their Evolution and Adaptation
Ancient Sharks: A Deep Dive into Their Evolution and Adaptation
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World of science...! Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains of Siberia is home to ancient fossils. In 2018, scientists found a 90,000-year-old human skeleton from this cave, from which they extracted DNA and sequenced it. From this, the scientists knew that this structure belonged to a thirteen-year-old girl whom they named Dani. From Dani's DNA, the researchers also knew that this girl was the result of a crossbreeding of two early human species (Neanderthal and Denisovan). Danny's DNA is 39% from one species and 42% from the other, which tells us that Danny's ancestors are from two different species. It differs from the two early species mentioned above (Neanderthal and Denisovan) and the current human in many ways, such as their appearance and the sequence of bases found in DNA. #Thescientists
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I am happy to say that the conference proceedings collection for the ESEE-Degrowth 2024 conference has come out. It is based on the joint event held for the Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics and the International Degrowth Conference. I have two entries in it, linked with the two presentations I gave. One entry is based on workshops with stakeholders in biology and/or environmentalism and/or sustainability regarding their views on Economic Growth and Ecosystem Services. The workshops included facilitated discussions and ranking activities. The second entry is on the eco-morality of the Cosmic Story, sometimes known as the Epic of Evolution. This movement seeks to tell the full story of the universe, from its beginning to the present, incorporating cosmology, geology, biology, and anthropology. I use the Religioid Spectrum to categorized different advocates of the Cosmic Story, who can range from Naturalistic Theists, which includes many Christians, to Religious Naturalists. I critique the field, including their use of a sense of “progress” in evolution, as well as general anthropocentrism. The conference covered many topics and I encourage people to check the publication out:
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Life has been studied since ancient times, with theories such as Empedocles's materialism asserting that it was composed of four eternal elements, and Aristotle's hylomorphism asserting that living things have souls and embody both form and matter. Life originated at least 3.5 billion years ago, resulting in a universal common ancestor. This evolved into all the species that exist now, by way of many extinct species, some of which have left traces as fossils. Attempts to classify living things, too, began with Aristotle. Modern classification began with Carl Linnaeus's system of binomial nomenclature in the 1740s. Living things are composed of biochemical molecules, formed mainly from a few core chemical elements. All living things contain two types of large molecule, proteins and nucleic acids, the latter usually both DNA and RNA: these carry the information needed by each species, including the instructions to make each type of protein. The proteins, in turn, serve as the machinery which carries out the many chemical processes of life. The cell is the structural and functional unit of life. Smaller organisms, including prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea), consist of small single cells. Larger organisms, mainly eukaryotes, can consist of single cells or may be multicellular with more complex structure. Life is only known to exist on Earth but extraterrestrial life is thought probable. Artificial life is being simulated and explored by scientists and engineers.
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Molecular Geneticist | Fin & Tech Journalist | Quantum Syndicate Investment Trustee | Qiskit Baby
3moThere are many near-"human" species hidden by the archeaological scientific community and governments. There's a sister-Neanderthal species ubiquitous to Africa which nobody even names, the list goes on.