The ALP Minns State Govt of NSW is taking national leadership in addressing the State's historical shortfall, staggering rezoning around a range of Metropolitan railway stations in mid-rise apartment accommodation.
Now is the time for serious action, with a range of "Showcasing" inclusive quality residential grade mid-rise apartment projects to demonstrate fast-to-market solutions and a sustainable future.
The massive shortages of affordable accommodation impacts extend to "essential workers" and tradies, crucial for the State's development and GDP growth.
The immediate focus should be on "real projects," like quality inclusive mid-rise apartments, which are vital to retaining the skilled tradie workforce.
Out-of-control rental increases put an entire generation of Sydneysiders at risk from a mass exodus of the "millennial generation."
Immediate showcasing of fast-to-market solutions is required.
We are well placed with a world-leading Architect ( who designed the Tate Modern Art Museum in London and recently the new truly stunning Australian Government Embassy in Washington DC).
Secondly, the scale-up capabilities were demonstrated to NSW Government executives last year in Adelaide at a Thrive Alliance consortia members' all-day capability presentation hosted by BusinessNSW.
Radical thinking is necessary to scale up, as seen in Scandinavian and EU countries using advanced modular construction platforms over the last few decades.
The Thrive Alliance offers a scalable solution, presenting a pathway to build up to 25,000 "inclusive" residential-grade mid-rise apartments per year for the next five years.
With over 100,000 major urban projects worldwide, the Thrive Alliance brings expertise in fast-to-market CLT solutions, contributing to stored carbon initiatives.
NSW has the opportunity to embrace a new sustainable industry to combat Sydney's housing shortage.
As a proven "Placemaking" in all my previous major urban projects, I have set aside between 30% and 50% for affordable housing with no mandatory requirements. Just through my initiative and sense of social responsibility, the outcomes have been remarkable: above-average capital growth and tightly held dwellings over the decades.
#AffordableHousing #NSWDevelopment #ThriveAlliance
Deaf Urban Strategist | Inclusive Design | Disability Inclusion Innovator | Systems Change Influencer
1moThanks for sharing and local is definitely the answer.