Foundational to the way we interact with our customers, our team members, and our families is in leading with empathy. Listen to this conversation between our CEO, Bob Chapman, and author, Hans-Werner Kaas, as they discuss the importance of human-centered leadership and its intrinsic value to any organization. #TrulyHumanLeadership #Leadership #EmpatheticListening #Podcast
"There is a healthy, I call it carryover or spillover effect from empathetic treatment, treating with dignity, with care. When you are used to that to practice it every day in your organization, in your team, the likelihood that you will do the same in your family with your friends, maybe in your sports team, whatever other societal community you are engaged in is very high. So, this is indeed the purpose. What also we hope with our book, The Journey of Leadership, we hope to contribute to that." Four McKinsey & Company partners, Hans-Werner Kaas, Dana Maor, Ramesh Srinivasan, and Kurt Strovink, have authored a new book: The Journey of Leadership: How CEOs Learn to Lead from the Inside Out. We're honored that Barry-Wehmiller was one of the case studies featured. On this new #TrulyHumanLeadership #Podcast, BW CEO Bob Chapman has a conversation with Hans-Werner about the book and about the importance of human-centered #leadership. Listen now through your favorite podcast provider: #management #CEO #hr #humanresources #podcasting #business #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipconsulting
Very interesting topic. Great work!