In the context of challenges & threats to reproductive rights across the world, the work of Carrie and colleagues in taking a reproductive justice framework approach should have an impact in Scotland, across UK and beyond. We’re pleased to have supported this work and will continue to work in partnership offering a comparative & cross-nation perspective. Colleagues in Wales, with the new national Women’s Health Plan will find this work interesting. Let us know if we can help to bring colleagues and research together. Senedd Research, Welsh Parliament
The report on our first year of the Sexual & Reproductive Justice Scotland project - including the collaborative workshop held in Glasgow in May 2024 - is now available here: We very much hope this is the start of a wider conversation and look forward to developing this work in 2025 and beyond. Thanks again to The Open University in Scotland Innovation Fund and the Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society for their support with this phase. Ingrid Young, Nicola Boydell, Julie Riddell, Santini Basra, Ruth Lewis Open Societal Challenges The Open University
Research Fellow at The Open University
1wPleasure working with you this year PolicyWISE & looking forward to continuing collaborations through our Open Societal Challenges project in 2025 and beyond!