Companies convinced that immersive training will help them, encounter the next challenge: determining what they need, when they need it, and for what purpose.
It's a multi-departmental challenge that often goes overlooked by L&D due to the difficulty of choosing the "best fit-for-purpose learning method," especially when venturing into immersive learning.
So, here is a powerful model to plot solutions that ensure any Business has access to the required skills, where and when they’re needed, and all within budget.
It's evident that common solutions such as instructor-led classrooms, eLearning, and VR learning, developed by L&D teams, predominantly reside within the "Auto-Feedback and Foundational Instruction Zone - zones 0 and 1.
The problem? Most companies, even highly L&D mature ones, don’t provide solutions in Zones 2 and 3.
Take the healthcare sector: it is at a critical juncture, facing workforce shortages worldwide - for example, the Dutch healthcare system has 4000 surgical assistants and 400 vacancies - while striving to uphold unparalleled care standards.
Departing from the age-old apprenticeship models that often lead to prolonged training periods, simulation training introduces a dynamic, technology-driven approach.
Here is how to fix that in 30 days:
- Re-assess the business needs with an emphasis on repeatability, scalability and cost-efficiency. (when you need to train 5 people, things are straightforward, but when you need to train five people a day, 50 a week or even thousands of employees, scalability becomes a serious concern).
- Use the business requirements to create a storyboard.
- Record the scenes of the scenario using a 360 video camera, microphones and people acting out the situations.
- Combine storyboard and 360 video media files together to publish scenario and distribute content via channels of choice (VR headset, mobile, web, with possible LMS integration)
Now businesses have a way to provide their employees with situational training at a fraction of the cost of what it would be using actors and roleplaying.
#buildingresilience #immersivelearning #learningbydoing #vr #saasplatform
The DUTCH - short for Digital United Training Concepts for Healthcare - consortium funded by the Dutch government, aims to establish digital simulation training centers across the nation and is a collaborative effort among academia, the healthcare industry, and technology partners.
🌟 Ontdek de Kracht van het SimZone Model voor Simulatieonderwijs! 🌟
Hoe bekend ben jij met het SimZone model, ontwikkeld door Roussin en Weinstock (2017)? -
Het is een waardevol raamwerk dat richting biedt bij het beoordelen of er voldoende dekking is aan simulatieonderwijs om de opgedane kennis effectief toe te passen in echte situaties.
Het SimZone model bestaat uit 5 zones:
SimZone 0: Individueel leren met automatische feedback, ideaal voor het leren van procedures en inzicht in klinisch redeneren.
SimZone 1: Vaardigheidsonderwijs, met nadruk op feedbackgestuurde praktijk, zowel zelfstandig als onder supervisie van een trainer.
SimZone 2: Integratie van vaardigheden en kennis in acute situaties, vaak in samenwerkingsverbanden met begeleiding van een facilitator.
SimZone 3: Team- en systeemsimulatie, gericht op contextuele relevantie en interprofessionele dynamiek.
SimZone 4: Werkplekrealiteit, waarbij reflectieve nabespreking een cruciale rol speelt in continue verbetering.
Bij DUTCH maken we gebruik van dit model om de ontwikkelingsbehoeften en dekking van simulatieprogramma's te beoordelen, zodat ze aansluiten bij de vereisten van de praktijk.
Wil je meer weten over hoe het SimZone model simulatieonderwijs kan verbeteren en praktische toepassing in de gezondheidszorg kan ondersteunen? Neem contact met ons op / of bezoek onze website ( voor verdere inzichten!
#ZorgInnovatie #VerpleegkundigeOpleiding #MedischeOpleiding #DUTCH #ToekomstVanOpleiden