the man who is always believe in achiving something new and his lifestyle is very simple as much as Kabul journey of Bill gates have many ups and downs but still he is continuous journey of career building something new
building and Empire is not the easy task there is lots of sacrifice lots of bad and good days and nights and hard work
I Invest in Leaders, Their Employees, Strategic Partnerships, Companies & Innovations to Grow Profits Through Organizational Culture & Leadership Transformation
Change makers see past your dogma & accept solutions from everyone.
It'd expand the pool, increase the collective intelligence of said group & maximize the odds of finding the best solutions.
It's pretty damn easy to filter good ideas from wakado nonsense.
Just ask them some specific questions on a Google form or face to face in the presence of someone with sufficient engineering knowledge to determine whether their solution is at all practical & scientifically sound.
tim #bgreen🌏
P.S. I say this as one of probably many with enough science to have great, perhaps world changing ideas, but no formal engineering or organizational affiliation to get me in the front door of the Gates Foundation.
They & others seem woefully unaware of the industry created by their own criteria, to create fake organizations to get through said door.
P.P.S. Bill, HelioGen is CRAP compared to my much simpler, cheaper & practical alternative.
And that doesn't even include my kick ass heat battery of which I've yet to find anything equivalent anywhere else in the world.
Plus a few brilliant ideas from others you seem to be ignoring, or are possibly not yet aware of.
Let's set aside dogma & get this thing solved before it's too late!
The Goalkeepers event, hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, brings together global leaders to discuss the progress of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These #goals cover important stuff like ending poverty and improving #healthcare and #education.
At the same time, Climate Week, happening alongside the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in #NewYork, is all about climate action. It's where experts, companies, and leaders brainstorm ways to tackle climate change and promote sustainability.
And, of course, the UNGA is a big meetup of all 193 UN member countries to discuss global challenges, from peace and security to international cooperation.
These events are super helpful for professionals worldwide, offering insights into future global trends, policies, and innovations in #sustainability, #health, and #technology. Staying in the loop with these events can help professionals align their work with global priorities and develop solutions that can make a real #impact worldwide.
I Invest in Leaders, Their Employees, Strategic Partnerships, Companies & Innovations to Grow Profits Through Organizational Culture & Leadership Transformation
Change makers see past your dogma & accept solutions from everyone.
It'd expand the pool, increase the collective intelligence of said group & maximize the odds of finding the best solutions.
It's pretty damn easy to filter good ideas from wakado nonsense.
Just ask them some specific questions on a Google form or face to face in the presence of someone with sufficient engineering knowledge to determine whether their solution is at all practical & scientifically sound.
tim #bgreen🌏
P.S. I say this as one of probably many with enough science to have great, perhaps world changing ideas, but no formal engineering or organizational affiliation with such to get me in the front door of the Gates Foundation.
They & others seem woefully unaware of the industry created by their own criteria, to create fake organizations to get through said door.
P.P.S. Bill HelioGen is CRAP compared to my much simpler, cheaper & practical alternative.
And that doesn't even include my kick ass heat battery of which I've yet to find anything equivalent anywhere else in the world.
Plus a few brilliant ideas for others you seem to be ignoring or are possibly not yet aware of.
Let's set aside dogma & get this thing solved before it's too late!
Driving Innovation with a Value-Centric Technology Approach & 🌍 Global Outlook | Strategic Advisor in Cloud Alliances for Optimal Outcomes 📈 | PhD Economist for Equitable Growth
The 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) will start on Tuesday, 24 September 2024 with the high level general debate.
Besides the usual topics, climate change, global health and economic recovery, regulation of emerging technologies (AI) will be discussed.
At the same time, NYC is hosting Summit of the Future ♻️
A reminder of why we're doing the work we do is always good. International Day of Climate Action is for raising awareness of the urgent need to address climate change. If you’re celebrating, let us know how below!
Nicely.done with helpful and easy-to-access resources to take steps that can save you money and take climate action. People often ask "What can I do that makes a difference?" And here's the answers!
Climate action is for all of us, and every step, big or small, can make a difference. That’s why today, we’re launching our statewide climate action campaign. Visit to learn what you can do to tackle climate change and become a part of the solution.