#NEWLinkedInFeature: Ring the Bell [Creator Subscribe] to gain more control of your Feed. How does it work? Do I have it? Who get's it? What does this mean for my control over my Feed and the platform Algorithm? What might be driving this platform control change? Find out more in the Keep Rocking LinkedIn Newsletter & please Subscribe. Special thank you to Mark Williams for first spotting this feature on Desktop and Vic Williams on Mobile in the Wild. #KeepRockingLinkedIn! Kevin D. Turner @ TNT Brand Strategist LLC #TNTBrandStrategist #Feed #Algorithm #LinkedInTips #LinkedInStrategy #Notifications #linkedin
Still waiting to see the bell on my profile. :(
Hi, Kevin! I met you during one of Bobby Umar's membership meetings. I'm curious: How does one qualify to get the bell under their profile picture?
Great thanks - that link to Vic Williams doesn't work - do you have another?
Great information shared via this newsletter 💙 Kevin D. Turner
Thanks Kevin! I'm standing by to see this feature. It might be a way to improve - control - on our notifications.
Any thoughts on why I'm not getting the bell notifications in my notifications? I've checked my communications settings.
I have this feature, but I can't explain is this feature works or not.
Kevin I recently saw Clare Carroll's clever "ring my bell" post on this topic and then saw this yesterday. I keep checking, and checked again today. Per my usual luck, I'll likely be in that last rollout wave 🤣 Thanks for your insight, as always, and now on this whole process 🙏
Kevin D. Turner this feature was rolled out on Tuesday this week, since then I selected some profiles including yours to be notified. The point is, there were no notification from them, any thoughts? Moreover, regarding the App, I can see the bell but can't turn it dark grey, have you faced this? Any idea why this is happening?
International speaker helping women in leadership roles to write their own stories.
2yShould I be able to see the bell icon on my own profile or can I only see it on the profiles of others?