Cafodd ein tîm Menter amser gwych yn dathlu llwyddiant eu prosiectau Cronfa Ffyniant Cyffredin, gan gynnwys sgyrsiau ysbrydoledig gan y siaradwyr gwadd Cat Harvey-Aldcroft, Adam Spiby, a Dr David Sprake. Tynnodd yr Athro Joe Yates, ein Is-ganghellor, sylw at bŵer partneriaethau: "Mae Partneriaeth yn thema ganolog yn ein gweledigaeth a’n strategaeth ym Mhrifysgol Wrecsam... [y prosiectau SPF] yn enghraifft wych o ba mor bwerus y gall partneriaethau fod wrth ddarparu twf cynhwysol ar draws ein rhanbarth.” Darllenwch fwy:
Prifysgol Wrecsam’s Post
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Analysis of our most recent political data was included in this article published last week. Tadas Vadvilavičius (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas) assessed our Round 11 (2023/24) #survey #data measuring whether respondents feel they can influence national #politics.
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🚨 New Research Publication! 🚨 We're proud to share that Gábor Hera from FORESEE, one of our project partners, is lead author of a new Hungarian study: 📄 Latency and disclosure in cases of domestic violence (Látencia és felszínre kerülés kapcsolati erőszak esetén) Authors: Gábor Hera, Mónika Füstös, Zoltán Mészáros Published in: Belügyi Szemle, Vol. 72, Issue 11, 2024 The study explores the hidden nature of #DomesticViolence cases, the challenges of data collection, and the factors contributing to #underreporting. 📖
Insightful Publications related to our Project — improve
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Welcome to AMJQ! Visit our Page to see the latest updates. More coming soon!
Association Médecins Juifs du Québec (AMJQ) | LinkedIn
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During the Athens Democracy Forum 2024, I had the opportunity to ask Dr. Corinne Momal-Vanian, Executive Director of the Kofi Annan Foundation, a pressing question: Why are humanitarians increasingly being criminalized for their work? This is a crucial issue that deserves our collective attention, as it impacts not only the organizations but also the fundamental principles of human rights and global cooperation. #AthensDemocracyForum #HumanitarianAid #HumanRights #KofiAnnanFoundation
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ICYMI: We analyzed hundreds of 2023 state & federal bills/resolutions aligned with the #traumainformed approach, and we determined 107 were bipartisan or nonpartisan. Explore examples in your state today: #TransformTrauma #HOPEisNEAR
REPORT: 2023 State & Federal Trauma-Informed Policy Review
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The European Commission pumps since years Millions, probably more than 100 Million EUR into Bulgarias child protection system. Here in this video it is clearly mentioned that they follow the trainings and support Lumos . It is a huge campaign since decades. The Deinstiutionalisation campaign. UNICEF ; International Social Service (ISS) ; Hope and Homes Eurochild and others are involved. It is about implementation of the Guidelines on Alternative Care for Children. Like the HCCH - Hague Conference on Private International Law Convention they are in violation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; pro adoption biased. This is corruption on the very highest levels.
Interview with Carsten Rasmussen, European Commission. 2010
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💡 In the advancement of democracy and good governance, Naymote Partners for Democratic Development will host a Townhall Gathering at the Center for the Exchange of Intellectual Opinion (CEIO) on Carey Street, Monrovia, on Friday, October 25, 2024, at 1:30 PM. We will discuss the President Meter Report (PMP), outlining the promises made by the government—those that are completed, ongoing, and yet to be started. You’re invited to learn, share your thoughts, and contribute to the discussion. 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐲! :: #PMP #InsideNAYMOTE #DemocracyMatters #PoliticalAccountability #InspireGenerations #ThePresidentMeterProject #YPLS #YouthLegislativePolicyDialogue
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Download our latest Country of Origin Information research report, covering trafficking in Albania. Our research was produced in response to information needs on this topic and is intended as background reference material for legal representatives, decision-makers and those assisting asylum-seekers. For a consolidated overview of this report’s key findings, we recommend reading the summary, which was produced in conjunction with the full report. #COI #researchforasylum You can access the summary and report here:
Albania: Trafficking
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The manifesto is a key document that records a party’s intentions and offers a way to track what the government does after being elected. Political analyst Sandeep Shastri says the impact of manifestos on winning public support has always been debated. Recent findings from a national study by SPRF and C-Voter reveal that only 34% of people actively seek out information on how well the national government is following through on its manifesto promises, while 30% do so somewhat actively. #incaseyoumissedit! #icymi #sprf #india #SPRFIndia #thinktank #policy #research #sprfresearch
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#Factchecking South-SouthGovernors'Forum. Dear #Governors, it's not in talks but in works. It is now a tradition when gather every January, you issue high-falutin communique but nothing happens thereafter... We hope, this time, the narratives will really change for good. We factcheck your talks...See link 👇
BRACED Commission… a South-south regional development body incapacitated by politics
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