Been a week since Inventures 2024, and I’m still buzzing with inspiration! As part of the Ministry of Technology and Innovation, I had the incredible opportunity to attend this groundbreaking event. Inventures 2024 was all about doing something new or innovating in ways that create real value. From quantum computing and AI to robotics and health innovations, the event brought together startups, ecosystem builders, and academia to push the boundaries of what's possible. One key takeaway: understanding people is the catalyst for true innovation. Connecting with individuals from diverse walks of life was the most rewarding part of my experience. Highlights included inspiring keynote speakers and impactful breakout sessions. Here are three tips to jumpstart your creativity from the event: 1. Turn towards fear. 2. Adopt the half-hour habit. 3. Let’s get physical. Also, a special shoutout to A-MEDICO for their inaugural annual meeting, which united industry experts and academia to advance discussions and collaboration in Alberta’s medical devices sector. Your efforts are paving the way for a brighter future in healthcare innovation. #Inventures2024 #Innovation #Technology #AI #Robotics #HealthcareInnovation #Startups #Networking #Collaboration #Creativity
This is insightful. Thank you Prince Anim
AI Training Data | NLP | Prompt Engineering | Multilingual Speech-to-Text Transcription | Chatbot | Conversational AI | Machine translation | Human in the loop AI integration
1moPrince, Very interesting, thanks for sharing!