Last week we had the pleasure of delivering a day of podcasting for some year 8 young ladies from @harrisgirlsacademybromley. We had a fun-filled and educational day. We were taken aback by some of the nature of the conversations and the honesty that they shared was really powerful. The young people came armed with their topics and ideas and were given some prep time to collate their points in advance of the recording. Whilst they all participated in the conversations, they also filmed the content behind the camera which was giving them yet another skill. Podcasting is a great way for the young people to share their honest thoughts and feelings in a safe space and from the feedback, it clear that the young ladies certainly felt empowered by the session. We look forward to sharing more of their content with you but for now, enjoy the pictures of the day 😍 #P4YE #Project4YouthEmpowerment #Croydon #Podcast #SupportingYoungPeople #Mentoring #Empower&Engage #YouthClub #SupportingYoungPeople