Project AITAX13’s Post

#IntellectualProperty (IP) - How #TaxFunctions can maximise value with IP Regimes. Welcome to Project AITAX13’s 18th Tax Transparency Insight (Series 7 - OECD Statistics), focusing on BEPS Action 5 (Intellectual Property). QUALIFYING IP  #IP comes in many forms, from Registered IP like #Patents, #Trademarks, #Software, Copyrights and Brands, etc. to Unregistered IP like Know-How and Operating Models, However, the OECD - OCDE’s Forum on Harmful Tax Practices (FHTP), and BEPS Action 5, have introduced 2 critical concepts to Qualifying IP Regimes 1) Only Patents and Software qualifies (there is a 3rd category for SMEs - but we will ignore that for now)  2) The #NexusApproach must be applied (this requires that the tax benefits are conditional on where the R&D activity took place). QUALIFYING IP REGIMES In 2024, of the 61 #IPRegimes in place - only 43 are eligible. 10 of the 61 were abolished (in 2024). The FHTP has deemed a) 17 of these to be ’non-harmful’ IP regimes and eligible - including Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Switzerland, etc.  b) 26 to be ’non-harmful’ (amended) IP regimes and eligible - including Belgium, France, Netherlands, Spain, UK, etc. TAX REDUCTIONS ON IP INCOME  So ….. how much IP Income can be exempt from Corporate Tax? From 100% (full exemption) to 40% of the Tax Rate that would have been applied.  (i) 50%: The most common reduction, like Ireland, is a 50% reduction (ii) 80%: Some countries like Luxembourg offer an 80% reduction (from 24.94% to 4.99%)  (iii) 100%: And other countries, like Greece, Jordan, Mauritius, Panama, Qatar, and Turkey offer full exemption. See Chapter 6 of the OECD Tax Corporate Tax Statistics Report, prepared by Ruairi Sugrue, with input from Jessica de Vries and the FHTP for more information - and in particular Table 6.4 and 6.5 of that for a visual summary of the corporate tax benefits of IP Regimes. ABOUT PROJECT AITAX13 Financially supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), and assisted by the Luxembourg School of Business, the Project AITAX13 Team at the University of Luxembourg and SnT, Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust are developing AI-enhanced technology solutions to help deliver Peer Benchmarking and Early Warning Systems that will support and make life easier for Tax Functions globally - including; #MachineLearning for Tax Risk Assessment #CausalAI for Projecting Future Risk Areas #NeuralGraphNetworks to facilitate deeper dives into subsidiary legal entities and business structures #LLM and #GenAI to monitor and inform Tax Functions of #TaxRisk areas. Thanks for reading TTI 18. We will be back tomorrow with a closer look at Country by Country Reporting (BEPS Action 13) in Tax Transparency Insight 19. Best Regards, The Project AITAX13 Team #TaxTransparency #AITAX13 #BEPS13 #BEPS5 #OECD #SnT #IPRegimes #Patents

Ken O'Mahony

Tax Function Champion | Cross-Functional Leader | CbCR Specialist | TP Nerd | AI Optimist | Experienced CFO, Global Head of Tax, President & Head of IP, Group Controller, Head of Internal Audit and Company Director |


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