Since their reintroduction into Yellowstone in 1995, wolves have not only changed the behavior of other animals, they've also restructured the land and the flow of water—all for the better. 🐺🌱 Left unchecked, 🦌 deer and elk overgrazed much of Yellowstone, stripping its vegetation. Through hunting, the wolves not only thinned out the weak but forced the grazers to stay on the move, allowing trees in certain valleys to grow five times their length in just six years. This caused the number of migratory and songbirds to increase in Yellowstone. Beaver populations also grew because beavers like to eat trees, and like wolves, they too change their surroundings. Reptiles, otters, ducks, fish, and amphibians all benefitted from the dams that beavers 🦫 built. In some areas, wolves reduced the coyote population by about 40%. This meant more rabbits and mice, which in turn benefitted other predators like badgers, foxes, hawks, and eagles. There are even more bears 🐻 now because they scavenge on wolf kills and pluck berries from regenerated shrubs. And the rivers changed because of the wolves too. By keeping grazers off the riverbanks, there is now less erosion, and therefore, stronger soil fertility, which means more flowing water. All this in just 25 years. We have a lot to learn from wolves. 🎥 Comfort Theory | Filipe DeAndrade, Project Coyote and #CaptureCoexistence Ambassador | Brian Moghari #Yellowstone #Wolves #GrayWolves #CompassionateCoexistence #WildCarnivores
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A nice looking whitetail buck pauses to look back over his rump for danger, as he powers up the side of a hill that's covered in regrowth after being clear-cut, a few years after it was logged. It's incredible how nutritious the new growth is a short time after the logging trucks drive away. When the regrowth gets tall enough with brush, tall weeds, and small trees growing back, it becomes a great bedding area as well, so it becomes both a feeding and bedding area. If there's water in the clear cut too, the deer will find everything they might need, and becomes a deer hunting/ photography hotspot. Before this clear cutting, there were only tall, mature trees that only provide food during the Fall with the mast crop (I.e. acorns, chestnuts, etc.). Previously, the over-story of thick leaves allowed no light to penetrate to the soil, so little under-growth happened, which is what the deer need to eat that live in these woods. A food plot supplies food, but a clear cut has a wide variety of food that grows back naturally, AND it provides cover for the deer to feel safe in while feeding, and to bed in as well. The money paid for the timber can also help pay for the property, and the regrowth after logging is far less expensive to maintain compared to a food plot, and requires very little work because it grows back unattended. But the biggest benefactor of this opening up of the forest canopy is all forms of wildlife, from bugs, to birds, the deer, the hunter, to the landowner. It's a win-win for everyone involved. If you're interested in learning more about the benefits of selective timber cutting and clear-cutting small plots, you can Google the terms Timber Stand Improvement, and Creating Early Successional Growth. What have been your experiences with these sorts of habitats? #iamsportsman #onthehunt #rut #therut
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27 Different Types of Deer in the World (With Pictures)
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