Helping in the #community is vital for people in #addiction #recovery as it fosters a sense of purpose, belonging, and accountability. Engaging in service work allows individuals to shift their focus from personal struggles to the needs of others, reinforcing #empathy and building self-esteem. Community involvement creates a positive #support network, reducing feelings of isolation that can lead to #relapse. By contributing to the well-being of others, those in recovery gain a renewed sense of purpose and accomplishment, which strengthens their commitment to staying #sober. Furthermore, helping others reminds them of the progress they've made, offering hope and inspiration to those still struggling. Giving back also reinforces responsibility and provides structure, both of which are critical for maintaining long-term #sobriety. Overall, community involvement empowers people in recovery to rebuild their lives and integrate into society in #healthy, meaningful ways.
Project Recovery San Diego’s Post
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Friendship is a superpower! 💪❤️ During #RecoveryMonth and beyond, reach out to a friend in recovery and invite them to join you in activities that support their journey. 💚 Why community matters in recovery: ✨ Support: Recovery is more manageable when people accept us and encourage our growth. 🤝 Connection: Family, friends, peers, and others are crucial in providing the emotional and practical support needed for recovery. 🌟 Inclusion: Social inclusion, rather than isolation, is key to long-term recovery. Surrounding yourself with a caring community can help you feel understood, valued, and empowered. Learn more from SAMHSA about how, together, we can make long-term recovery a reality:
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In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in our daily routines and forget about those who are struggling around us. But it's crucial to remember that we are all part of the human race, and we are all just one bad decision away from being part of the homelessness crisis. Take a moment to consider those in their lowest stages, including those who are homeless. Pay attention to the signs – the person on the corner with a sign, the family huddled in the park, the individual quietly seeking warmth in a public space. Each of them has a story, a history, and a desire for dignity and respect. Stay true to your purpose, no matter what. Success is not just about personal achievement but also about lifting others up. When we help those in need, we are contributing to a stronger, more compassionate community. This doesn’t mean give the money or allow them to do menacing activities, but speak to them with respect. Let them know that you at least acknowledge them as a person. Think twice before passing judgment or looking the other way. Small acts of kindness and consideration can make a world of difference. We all have the power to be a beacon of hope for someone in need. Remember, we are all interconnected. By supporting one another, especially in times of difficulty, we build a better, more empathetic world. Let's ensure that our actions reflect the best of humanity. As always, follow your instincts and be careful of approaching those who may be in an unstable state of mind. I took a risk, and it was a price I was willing to pay, in order to show my humanity and my heart. I only wish that in my time of need, someone would do the same for me! RESPECT OVER REPRIEVE! This is the motto I will continue to live by! - Talia Johnson - Huff #Characterovercoins #ConsiderOthers #therareplace #SupportTheHomeless #CommunityCare #HumanKindness #WeAreOne #BeTheChange
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The struggle is real for single parents who often juggle multiple roles - from balancing work and parenting duties, managing household expenses on a single income, dealing with legal and custody matters, to facing emotional and mental health challenges. 💔 To those in the Corporate Social Responsibility field, philanthropic organizations, and governmental agencies, an important issue to note is the use of 'de-escalation closets' in schools. For parents with children struggling with emotional or behavioral issues, is there a better way to manage this? 🏫 We at Community Builders LA deeply believe in alternative behavioral management methods and we need your help in advocating for these changes! Are you an organization that can support our mission? 🙋🤝 Reach out to us! 🌐 Also, join our growing online community by liking 👍 and following 👇 us on social media. Your simple acts of engaging can help raise awareness and reach out to more parents in need. 💓 #AffordableHousing #SingleParentsSupport #CommunityBuilders #ShreveportHousing #LouisianaCommunity #HousingForAll #CBAHousing #SupportSingleParents #CommunityDevelopment #BuildingBetterFutures #ShreveportStrong #TogetherWeBuild.
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One of the things I think a lot about is the idea that, if you help autistics build healthy friendships that are built on shared autistic traits, rather than masking, you build healthier community which turns into a safety net. Nice to see this idea of social capital being identified as one of the best protective factors against homelessness. But this also highlights why we need better social skills programs that focus on building autistic community, not (just) fitting in.
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🏘️ A stable home is the foundation for a thriving life. However, securing affordable and stable housing remains a challenge for many single-parent families. 🏡 🤔👨👧👦 In fact, single parents often struggle to balance work, parenting, financial stability, and their own mental health. This isn't a struggle they should face alone. 🚸📚💰 Community Builders of Louisiana recognizes these challenges, and is calling on corporations, policymakers, philanthropic organizations, and YOU to step in. By offering job opportunities, in-house childcare, affordable housing, and mental health support, we all can help mitigate these difficulties. 👣💼🧠🤝 Through a collective effort from the #Shreveport community, we can create supportive environments for single-parent families and assist them on their journey to stability and growth. 🌱🏡🌳 📣Does this ignite a spark ✨ in your organization’s social responsibility goals? 💬 Reach out to us 👉 and join us in#BuildingBetterFutures. 👍 Like, 👀 follow and 💭 comment on this post to raise awareness. Even a simple act can make a huge difference! #AffordableHousing #SingleParentsSupport #CommunityBuilders #ShreveportHousing #LouisianaCommunity #HousingFor
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A Message from Chris Preddie OBE Drop a Pound in a Bucket Hey everyone, I’m reaching out to you with a heartfelt mission: Drop a Pound in a Bucket. After reflecting on the power of this initiative, I realise more than ever how crucial it is to take action, and I’m starting right here in my own community of Islington. I’ll be hitting the streets, going door-to-door, and asking our neighbours to contribute just £1 to help fund vital services that directly impact us all. Whether it’s supporting youth clubs, providing mental health support, creating job opportunities, or tackling the issues of knife crime, grooming, and poverty, every single pound will make a difference. But this isn’t just about me - it’s about us. Our communities are facing real challenges, and the solutions start with collective action. A small contribution can go a long way in creating safe spaces, positive role models, and better opportunities for our young people, which in turn strengthens our entire community. If you’d like to get involved or want to bring this initiative to your own area, I’d love to hear from you. Get in touch via email at or drop me a DM. More information will be coming soon.. Let’s stand together and Get MAD-Make a Difference. Your support matters. Let’s turn small contributions into big changes. Help me make it make sense don’t worry ill wait…. PLEASE SHARE #unapologetic🌎 #helpmemakethismakesens #dontworryillwait #knifecrime #knifecrimeawareness #gangs #mentalhealth #grooming #community #dropapoundinthebucket #dropapoundinthebucketcampaign #youth #youthviolence #stabbing #enoughisenough
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#trueunderstanding instead of just lip service. Love the stats in this article. #trust is fundamental to any long lasting changes. #Trust + #kindess in a world increasingly difficult to navigate with more complexity and adversity is so crucial to a more functional and safer society. The flow on effect is most likely far reaching onto our future generation. #Pleasebekind #problemsolving #togetherwerebetter #changeforbetter #practicalsolutions #outcomevident #heartwarming #resourcedistribution 🙌🏼💗
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had housing.
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You may have seen a flood of posts on LinkedIn today as they launched their new feature, #OpenToVolunteering. This is a fantastic initiative enabling people to connect with organisations and causes they are passionate about and will support organisations to recruit skilled volunteers. BUT the feature also perpetuates the harm that is created for those in our communities who experience disadvantage by having a template that labels those who require the services of organisations who engage volunteers as "in need!" How can we engage people in conversations about the systemic issues that exist that continue the cycles of poverty, of poor health outcomes, of low education and literacy levels, of homelessness and addiction and domestic violence and mental health issues and discrimination and trauma?! This feature could be an incredible platform to engage the more than 1 billion LinkedIn members in the work of challenging and changing the systems that create the needs in the first place, and ensuring more people are able to thrive and be safe. Please support those of us who work in volunteer engagement, the third sector, not-for-profits, for-purpose organisations - reach out to LinkedIn and ask them to change their #OpenToVolunteer template. Watch this space - I'm going to do some consultation and come back with a suggestion for an updated template. Let's see this changed before Giving Tuesday on 3 December. #200WordTuesdayOnThursday #Advocacy #LetsChangeTheWorld #VolunteerEngagement #LoVols #VolMgmt
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Hands That Lift, Hearts That Heal In a world where we’re often caught up in our own struggles, it’s easy to overlook the ones around us. But sometimes, a simple act of kindness can change everything for someone in need. Whether it’s offering a listening ear, lending a helping hand, or just being present, our support can mean more than we know. We all go through tough times, and we all need help at some point. Let’s remind ourselves that no one should face their battles alone. When we help others, we create a ripple effect of kindness and compassion that spreads through our communities. It’s in these moments of connection that we truly find the power to make the world a better place. #BeThereForEachOther #SpreadKindness #SupportAndLift #CompassionInAction #HelpingHands #StrongerTogether #KindnessMatters #CommunityCare
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I had another post planned but I wanted to write to say THANK YOU for all the outpouring of love and support from my last post about my homelessness. It’s been so lovely reading so many stories of the interactions you’ve had - good and bad. Ultimately, the solution to homelessness is found in connections. They are key in getting a step up on that ladder but from my experience when I was out, just being able to speak to a person, explain your misery and how you got there and not feel judged or hurt - there is absolutely no price you could pay that could rival that. Knowing people are out there wanting to engage with those less fortunate hopefully means people are finding themselves in situations with a bit more resilience and positivity, knowing there is less judgement, knowing there are people out there who not just see them, but see them as people who have potential, is amazing. If you want to start or continue those conversations and you are encouraged to do more - here is a small list of some things you might be able to get free/cheaply you can give to help in practical ways too. No judgements here if you can’t- but I know many might be looking for next steps. In weather such as this, every little bit of help counts and some of you may not know where to start. So check this out, do share it around, see if it helps your local unhoused community. #homelessness #helpinghomelesspeople
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