Last week, together with our KLT members, we visited our Manufacturing site at São José dos Campos. There, we not only witnessed the science and innovation behind our products, but we also got the chance to see how diversity and inclusion play a big role in engaging our employees and allow them to thrive. As part of our safety measures, all Kenvuers in the plants must wear specific vests and caps and, taking into consideration our diverse audience of Kenvuers, the team has implemented caps in different sizes to be suitable for all types of hair. Small acts can indeed make a big difference and what can be seen as a simple dress code element for some, can be a way to enhance authenticity and pride for others.
According to the recent report from @McKinsey & Company on ‘Diversity matters even more’ (full report here:, DEI remains a key element to business transformation as it improves workforce adaptability, innovation and productivity.
Proud to be part of Kenvue where everyday we create a culture where everyone feels valued and equally involved, and where uniqueness is celebrated together.
This, among other practices, is what makes us one of LinkedIn’s top companies to work for in Brazil.
Vice President - Sales Business Development at W3Global US, W3Global Australia, W3Global Japan & Synectics US
2moAnd it costs $0.00 to be kind to someone!