Revolutionary water energy at incredible low costs? 🔋⚡️💡This water dragon 🐉 could be the solution! 🚨 Minerva’s tidal kite concept just got installed in Faroe Island 🇮🇸 and already delivers #renewableenergy to the grid. The kite maneuvers in a figure-eight pattern within the tidal stream. Measuring 12 meters wide and weighing 28 tons, is anchored with a rope to harness tidal flows for electricity generation. Costs could drop as low as $54/MWh. This is quite competitive compared to other generation methods like offshore wind (115 USD/MWh). What do you think? 🤔 Could this be a puzzle 🧩 for #sustainableenergy?
Thanks for sharing! Marco Prueglmeier Best regards from Türkiye!
Marco Prueglmeier Cost-Earnings calculation looks very good.
👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Marco Prueglmeier
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