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#AustriaBuildingOfTheWeek - querkraft architekten have built a residential high-rise Taborama near Vienna's North Station. Gerd Erhartt explains how various community facilities, from a bouldering room to a library and a painting studio, bring residents together. WA: hat is special about this building project? GE: When designing a residential high-rise, the biggest challenge is to enable and promote a social community despite the enormous number of apartments and people. For this reason, the high-rise is equipped with a generous range of common rooms, which are distributed across all floors and are located right next to the vertical access. WA: How did the location influence the design? GE: The urban development near the North Station stands out for StudioVlayStreeruwitz's concept, preserving the railway area's spaciousness by concentrating building masses along the edges, creating an open center. The high point design uses horizontal layering to break down the large structure into manageable units, ensuring a human scale. Read about this project on by following the Photos: Christina Häusler #forqualityinarchitecture #waofficial #worldarchitects #architecture #architects #bestarchitecture #residential #highrise #tower #taborama #nordbahnhof #vienna #wien #querkraft #querkraftarchitects

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