Puneet Singh Singhal’s Post

View profile for Puneet Singh Singhal

Co-founder Billion Strong | Empowering Young Innovators with Disabilities | Curator, "Green Disability" | Exploring Conscious AI for Social Change | Advaita Vedanta | SDGs 10 & 17 |

Many young people with disabilities face barriers during humanitarian crises, compounding the challenges they navigate daily Explore this checklist to ensure youth with disabilities are meaningfully engaged in humanitarian response. This checklist aims to provide guidance on how to ensure meaningful participation of young persons with disabilities in local humanitarian response. The expected users are humanitarian actors, especially those working in the field. #WeAreBillionStrong #DisabilityInclusion #YouthEmpowerment #HumanitarianCrisis #UNFPA #AXSChat #DisabilityRights United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Global Network of Young Persons with Disabilities, ReliefWeb, Youth2030 LAC

Linda Jane McLean

Consultant on Independent Living.


Thank you. What you say is correct. But it is most certainly not happening in this country. The problem is that people believe that it is. I once went to a housing conference, which believed that every disabled person was being housed appropriately. I asked the question: "Do you mean to say that if I went out on the streets after this conference, I would be unable to find any dissatisfaction about housing in the disabled Community?" The answer came back that every need was being met. I went to a shopping mall afterwards, and met two Disabled young people I have never met before. I asked if I could sit with them while they had their coffee. They got a tremendous fright , just being spoken to by somebody 'normal', which tells its own story of how we fail to integrate. Their story was horrific...and as far removed from what I had just been told as possible. These are the people who should be speaking. Not to tell us everything is wonderful, but to help us address the very real discrimination that they face. To put the HORROR of what we choose not to see, front and centre. But, at the moment they do not get an invitation to the table. They have no voice: NO INFLUENCE.

Emily O. Weltman, M. Ed.

Founder, Writer, Social Entrepreneur, Creative Ops, Biz Dev, and Content Strategy Consultant, working to achieve gender parity+ inclusion one business at a time.


Remember to consider dignified, safe, accessible restrooms, digital access, and translations/interpreters. This is a good tool and I like that it’s taking an intersectional approach but it feels almost as if it’s saying being a woman is a disability…At least that was how it read to me, but it’s late and I could be totally reading to fast.

Dr Maya Soni

Speech and Language Therapist, specialist in working in criminal justice settings and accessible resources. Neurodiversity positive approach.


So much good thinking going on with you and your team Puneet!

Dr Maya Soni

Speech and Language Therapist, specialist in working in criminal justice settings and accessible resources. Neurodiversity positive approach.

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