[In Graph] The yellow line represents pumped volumes (4903 Ml/d) on average. This is the water that Rand Water produces and pumps. The blue lines is then the volumes which reach the customers (4599 Ml/d on average). The red line shows that storage is low which is a function of high water consumption. The lower the storage, the bigger the risk of water supply issues. Therefore, Metros must reduce consumption in order to boost storage and avert a supply interruption possibility. #RWMeterReadings #RWWaterDemand #RWWaterSupply #RWWaterSustainability [NS] AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS African Christian Democratic Party AfriForum ActionSA Patriotic Alliance for National Development (PAND) United Democratic Movement Inkatha Freedom Party Democratic Alliance AWSISA Gauteng Provincial Government Department of Water and Sanitation Departments: Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs South African Local Government Association