"Protein production in the EU is an important issue, touching on European food security, environmental sustainability, energy costs, and economic and social resilience. Interest in non-plant alternative proteins as potential substitutes for animal-based products for food and as substitutes for animal feed (e.g. soya) has grown in recent years, presenting an opportunity to contribute to the overall protein balance. The study focuses in the following four alternative protein sources: algae, insects, microbial fermentation, and cultured meat."
Same comment as Mathieu Delample. 🙏
Interesting content. Many thanks for sharing!
Directeur de recherche INRAE en charge des relations internationales avec l'Océanie; Président de l'Association Française de Zootechnie; Editeur "Viandes et Produits Carnés"; Directeur de collection chez France Agricole
7moPlease have a look at our recent paper Review: Will "cultured meat" transform our food system towards more sustainability? "https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38670917/