As you'd probably expect, Viridium's lovely clients are getting Christmas presents that are wonderfully ethical. This year, within their hampers (which may not actually be hampers - still need to work out the logistics...) we have also included a donation to Zarach.
Zarach popped up on my feed a few weeks ago and their mission to provide bed kits for children really hit me. My daughter is now 8 and since she was a tiny baby we have tucked her up in bed every night and read her a story. It is consistently one of the nicest parts of my day. To think there are so many children living in this country that don't even have a decent bed to call their own is beyond heartbreaking and I knew immediately that this is where I wanted Viridium's Christmas donations to go. Donating to a charity that will use the money directly to buy beds for kids rather than the money going into the ether feels like we're doing something meaningful.
At the moment, all donations are being matched by the fabulous folk at Aviva so every pound you can donate will be worth £2 to Zarach. If your company hasn't yet decided where to donate to this Christmas or, worse, are considering sending clients a load of plastic tat that will end up in landfill, please consider spending the money somewhere that it'll make lasting positive change.
P.S. Donations seem to be matched up to £250, so do it in batches of £250 if you're planning on making a big donation. That way they should get double for every pound you spend 😊 (It's the Yorkshire blood in me!)
#zarach #corporategifting #nobodywantsyourpens
This Christmas, we’d love you to help us to reach 1000 children living in bed poverty with somewhere to sleep, rest, and dream big dreams.
Incredibly Crowdfunder UK with Aviva are matching every donation between £1 - £250 up to 100k. That’s a potential 667 beds 🤯
Give today to see your donation doubled
Passionate leader for health equity and resilience
2moThis is excellent news! I will do my part by continuing to advocate for the passage of the Credit for Caring Act fashioned after the child tax credit.