Great approach - sharing a vision that we need to aim for. This kind of messaging triggers positive thinking, empowerment, planning, a sense of agency and more! By developing visions of what the medium term future could look like realistically, across different environments and societies, we can then build the maps of how to get there. #futureenvironment #seaprotection #greensolutions #30x30
WATCH: The year is 2060, and we’ve fixed it. Our seas surge with life and nature sings once more. Our climate is stable and Earth has healed... This future is currently fictional. To make it real we MUST protect 30% of sea and land by 2030, under the global #30x30 commitment. Whilst this may sound doable, only 8% of sea and 3% of land is meaningfully protected in the UK according to Wildlife and Countryside Link analysis. The UK Government has a very long way to go. Join the fight, stay informed: #WorldEarthDay #30x30 Oceana Oceana Canada Oceana in Europe Daisy Brickhill Alyx Elliott Sophie Fresson Amy Hammond A big thanks to Tom Mustill Fergus Dingle GRIPPING FILMS LIMITED for all the support and creative genius in producing the Oceana UK films to support our campaigns. And for the helping me see what I might look like in 2060, if something hasn't struck me down by then!
ED, Oceana, UK at Oceana | Ocean Conservation