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Anything that brings unknowns and disrupts routine, like beginning a new school year, can bring emotional challenges for them — and you. Your child may act out or turn inward. They also may feel a spectrum of positive and difficult emotions. 👶 🧒 Encourage communication and expression 😜 When they begin sharing what’s on their minds, do your best to listen and give them space to feel what they feel. As a caregiver, you can help them process their thoughts and emotions — and find comfort in the process. Use gentle, age-appropriate prompts to help guide them to think through their feelings and worries. For example, if they’re worried about getting all their schoolwork done, ask them if they’ve thought of solutions to manage their time. If they’re self-conscious about fitting in, you could suggest they consider joining activities where they’d meet like-minded people. Empower decision-making 😀 Giving them age-appropriate choices can also help them feel more in control. For a younger child, it could be picking a book to read or choosing their favorite snack. For an older child, it could be letting them choose their own outfits or supplies. For an adolescent considering universities, it could be narrowing the options based on practical criteria — such as admission requirements, cost, location, fields of study, their interests and cultural or familial considerations — and letting them make the final decision. Cultivate resilience and coping strategies 🤔 Helping your child build resilience will also help them adapt. Encourage positive thinking and teach them stress-reduction techniques, like relaxing, doing enjoyable activities, spending time with friends, getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods and staying active. For older children, remind them of past transitions and what they gained. Also, share potential benefits of the upcoming change, such as meeting new friends, learning new things and gaining independence. #transitions #schoolyear #youthmentalhealth

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