After 2.5 years delivering Repair Cafes in the Derry - Strabane area, we decided to ditch our beloved teacup and tools logo to reflect our wider remit and future ambitions. In 3 weeks we'll launch our 'Library of Things' and in 2025 we aim to work with more households than ever before, tackling waste at the point of consumption. To learn more about our rebrand - head across to our volunteer built website here: Jamie O'Hare Elisia Gormley Catherine Taylor Aisling McEvoy Northern Ireland Housing Executive The National Lottery Community Fund NIRN - Northern Ireland Resources Network
Repair & Share Foyle’s Post
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Are you in Stonnington and passionate about reducing waste? Come along to the upcoming repair events - either to get something repaired and/or to help things be repaired! The more the merrier! More info, and an EOI if you're interested in volunteering, here #reducereuserepairrepurpose #repair #circularity #circulareconomy
A new Roving Repair program for Stonnington!
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Bristol's repair, share and reuse community - A map for all Working with Kat Corbett and Laura Fogg Rogers at University of the West of England, with input from the Facebook community, we've produced our first public map of the local sustainability initiatives. Bringing together these businesses in one place makes it easier for us to be better guardians of our planet's resources. Once you've accessed the map you can toggle it on and off your Google Maps as you go about your life: With a whole variety of categories hopefully you'll find something to help you next time you're thinking of shopping, fixing something or throwing something away: - Book libraries - Charity shops - Commercial repair - Communal workspaces - Libraries of Things - Recycling - Reduce - Repair cafes - Reuse If you spot anything missing from the map, just let me know and I'll add it. #sustainability #bristol #community
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In the month of October, the Long Beach Recycling Department partnered with local businesses and non-profits to sponsor "BYO Month", a series of events intended to promote reuse throughout the city. Hundreds of participants "brought their own" to cafes, restaurants, and retail stores to eliminate single use cups and packaging. Educational and volunteer events throughout the month engaged citizens with the goal of teaching them how to adopt circular practices in their daily lives and motivating them to adopt reuse in October and beyond. #byomonth #sustainableshopping #reuse #longbeach
Long Beach Cuts Waste During October’s “BYO Month” Event
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While big companies and large institutions talk a big game about sustainability, often the most impactful work promoting circular practices is done at the grassroots level. Long beach proved that this October, with the City, local non-profits, and small businesses coming together to host "BYO Month". Throughout the month, this private-public partnership engaged hundreds of eco-conscious Long Beach citizens with volunteer events, educational opportunities, and a stamp card program promoting reuse at local cafes, shops, and entertainment venues. It was a joy to participate in these events, and it was inspiring to see people's passion for reuse grow as they learned more about the actionable steps they could take in their day-to-day lives to reduce their plastic waste footprints. I'm excited for future events like this one, and even more motivated to continue providing opportunities for people to shop waste-free. #sustainableshopping #sustainability #reuse #circulareconomy #byomonth #longbeach
In the month of October, the Long Beach Recycling Department partnered with local businesses and non-profits to sponsor "BYO Month", a series of events intended to promote reuse throughout the city. Hundreds of participants "brought their own" to cafes, restaurants, and retail stores to eliminate single use cups and packaging. Educational and volunteer events throughout the month engaged citizens with the goal of teaching them how to adopt circular practices in their daily lives and motivating them to adopt reuse in October and beyond. #byomonth #sustainableshopping #reuse #longbeach
Long Beach Cuts Waste During October’s “BYO Month” Event
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Did you know Australia generates 30,000 tonnes of commercial furniture waste each year, with a staggering 95% ending up in landfill?* In the spirit of giving back to our community – and the planet – this festive season, our team at 120 Collins Street partnered with Western Health to donate over 200 items from existing and unutilised fitouts, including workstations, pods, partitions, meeting room desks, chairs, and filing cabinets. This aligns with our ESG strategy, Transform Tomorrow, which focuses on creating sustainable buildings and developing a circular economy by recycling, regenerating, and eliminating building operational waste. Thank you to the 120 Collins Street team Ian Muir and Tony Ridge for their generous efforts in giving back to our community. *Reference:
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Shropshire Council has saved over £160k via the re-use of stuff! Warp-it (Waste Action Re-use Portal) is open to Council employees, schools and charities across the county to source or donate almost any kind of item. Since its launch Shropshire Council staff have helped save more than 125 tonnes of carbon, avoided 45 tonnes of waste being dumped and saved £163,769 in procurement and disposal costs. The most common items listed or claimed so far are office storage (28%), chairs (20%), desks (19%). The climate and facilities management team wish to encourage schools and local charities to join too. These parties may sign up free of charge and claim any surplus items from all over the west Midlands, to help avoid things from being skipped. Any school, charity or local businesses may sign up via the appropriate links listed here: #circulareconomy #waste #reuse #repurpose #ZeroWaste #WasteReduction
Recycling and reuse
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Many of these steps can be taken outside of NYC as well. Steps include donating used materials to local nonprofits, eco-friendly badges, renting plants, and more!
Nest Climate Campus | 8 Ways for Planners to Promote Material Reuse at NYC Events
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One of the best initiatives in recent memory! During a recent lunch with a client in Cleveland, I witnessed a small act that left a big impact. As we finished our meal, I disposed of my rubbish and recyclables in the appropriate bins. However, my client did something different. He slid his container into one of the green slots on the side of the bin. At first, I was taken aback. 'Why would you want drinks containers hanging on the outside of bins?' I asked. His response, though, was eye-opening. He explained that these green slots were part of the state's recycling scheme, 'Containers for Change '. People could leave empty containers for others to collect and cash in for 10c each. The biggest beneficiaries of this were the cities' homeless population. This simple addition to the bins had become a regular source of income for them, helping with essentials like food and clothes. Whilst Australia has strong social safety nets compared to other countries, the people sleeping rough are not always doing so purely because of financial reasons. Rather than forcing these marginalised people to beg, this addition has created a simple, yet powerful solution that helps to bring some dignity back to some of our most marginalised citizens, and it doesn't cost us a cent! I would love to see can holders added to every public bin across the state and for the government to take the lead in driving awareness. Through the simple act of leaving our rubbish for someone else, we could have a significant impact on the quality of life for many of those sleeping rough, and it hasn't cost us a cent. With the support of local and state governments, we can make this initiative even more effective. Fantastic initiatve Redland City Council
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So what did Ellen MaCarthur Foundation say about EEESafe in 2013? As we are close to our 1st Soft Launch and nearing the end of the year, I reflected on how we first got noticed. The article we published is here: We're so much more now and made it without core funding and it's been a tough journey. Especially designing in the giving of Micro-Grants to those in poverty in our Communities. It was always important to do this from Day 1, defying the models of corporatism that needs to earn lots of money, before they decide to give some away. Not for Profits give away, "what's available". However we are internally taxing ourselves to give it away as each local target is hit and potentially to the tune of many thousands in each community. Alongside that, Consumers will begin to recognise a Safer To Use Appliance Repair Standard, as our Repairers are signed up to evidencing their work, in return for a multi-benefit model supporting the Independent Repairers and Stakeholders out there. The amounts we donate democratically, will in the fullness of time come as as a result of the sums we allocate between 2.5%-75%, via the different model components that will come on stream and give citizens more influence on #ResponsibleConsumption As a Planet, we need to do something different and I see this as a Transition Model to a way of living, before somebody back in Time, became Greedy. Some of that you'll be able to see in our short video link below, but we've based this on our combined 59 years of experience in Repair/Reuse/Recycling & Training. The latter thanks to our Co-Founder Graham, formerly of Dixon Training. When and if we find the right Partner going forward, we will show you a better designed Repair Cafe Model as well, which we will be able to Part Fund as long as citizens and repairers engage with our Appliance Safety Register.....but there's much more to come. Trust Me. The Video: Ellen MacArthur Foundation Electrical Safety First Office for Product Safety and Standards UCL #environment #climatechange #repair #circulareconomy
So what did Ellen MaCarthur Foundation say about EEESafe
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What if instead of trying to invent new ‘disruptive’ ways to generate a more sustainable economy - replacing or competing with existing reduce, reuse recycle channels - we came up with a way to strengthen and support these community organizations? What if we gave organizations in the recovery and reuse sector - the thrift stores, the food rescuers, the clothing depots, the homeless shelters, the ReStores - the same type of technology that Amazon deploys? What if residents could visit one website to offer up all manner of items and materials, including food rescue for donation? What would happen if we supported and strengthened the Reuse Sector to do better what they’re already struggling to do with limited resources; support the circular economy and help their communities move toward Zero Waste? How much more waste could be diverted, how many local charities could be helped, how many local jobs could be created, and how many CO2 emissions could be avoided if we did that? Coming Soon...Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know.
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